ABOUT CONTENT ------------- Template for xml messages (message.dtd), dictionaries (dictionary.dtd) and services (services.dtd) are informative, not actually required by process. They are located at './DTDs'. Stacks are available at './stacks'. There are also some stuff (hex/xml examples, etc.) which could be useful. Execute './configure.sh' and follow the intructions to clone the ADML instance into the needed amount for system testing. STARTING THE PROCESS -------------------- After configuring the ADML execution context, a new script has been created: 'run.sh'. This script will run all the cloned ADML instances within ADMLS directory. OPERATION --------- Management interface for lite version is based on SIGUSR2 signal caugh. Use './operation.sh' script to send any operation to the processes. Ask for help with that script to see all the operations supported.