ABOUT CONTENT ------------- Template for xml messages (message.dtd), dictionaries (dictionary.dtd) and services (services.dtd) are informative, not actually required by process. They are located at './DTDs'. Stacks are available at './stacks'. There are also some stuff (hex/xml examples, etc.) which could be useful. Execute './configure.sh' and follow the intructions to clone the ADML instance into the needed amount for system testing. STARTING THE PROCESS -------------------- After configuring the ADML execution context, a new script has been created: 'run.sh'. This script will run all the cloned ADML instances within ADMLS directory. Also, an './operation.sh' script will broadcast the operation provided through every cloned instance. For example, if you provide 'test|ttps|5', the speed of 5 test cases per second will be set on every ADML instance. Imagine you have N instances, and then you actually are establishing a total 5*N speed rate over the servers. TESTING PROCEDURE ----------------- Firstly you shall program the test cases by mean script './program.sh'. For example: ./program.sh st_examples/DynamicQualification Using option '-s', the testing will start after programming, with the desired rate selected on configuration stage. Don't forget to populate whatever data you need on the tested system, because this work is not done here. OPERATION --------- Management interface for lite version is based on SIGUSR2 signal caugh. Use './operation.sh' script within a specific instance directory to send any operation to the process. Ask for help with that script to see all the operations supported.