import os Import ('env') # Process ################################################################# #pName = "example__" bnames = Dir('..').abspath.rsplit('/', 2) pName = "example_" + bnames[-2] + "_" + bnames[-1] pPath = pName.replace("_", "/") + "/" # Anna modules ############################################################ pwd = str(Dir ('.').abspath); anna_libpaths = [] anna_libs = [] modules = [ 'core', 'io', 'xml', 'app', 'http', 'comm', 'timex', 'http', 'statistics', 'time', 'diameter', 'diameter_comm' ]; for module in modules: anna_libs.append ("anna_" + module) module = module.replace("_", ".") kk = pwd.replace (pPath, ("source/" + module + "/")) anna_libpaths.append (pwd.replace (pPath, ("source/" + module + "/"))) # dynamic lib: anna_libs.append ("anna_dynamicLauncherProcedure") dynamic_libpath = os.path.join (pwd, "../../../../dynamic/launcher/default/debug") anna_libpaths.append (dynamic_libpath) anna_rlibs = list(anna_libs) anna_rlibs.reverse() # Libraries ############################################################### # To avoid other libraries accumulation: localEnv = env.Clone() anna_library = { 'LIBS' : anna_rlibs } localEnv.MergeFlags (anna_library) system_library = { 'LIBS' : [ 'xml2', 'rt', 'pthread' ] } localEnv.MergeFlags (system_library) localEnv.Append(LIBPATH = anna_libpaths) # Linking ################################################################# # Process includes (avoid mandatory using of quoted includes and ../ paths from testing directory): current_directory = Dir ('.').abspath testing_include = os.path.join (current_directory, "testing") dynamic_include = os.path.join (pwd, "../../../../dynamic/launcher/default/") localEnv.Append (CPPPATH = [current_directory, testing_include, dynamic_include]) result = localEnv.Program (pName, Glob ('*.cpp') + Glob ('testing/*.cpp')) Return ('result')