2 #####################################################
8 #####################################################
13 CLONE_WKDIR=$(mktemp -d)
16 # (depends on the machine)
17 CLONE_EXTRA_VARS_SCR_BN=clone-extra-vars.sh
28 (kill -9 $(jobs -p) 2>&1) >/dev/null
39 _exit "Script interrupted. Cleanup & exit ..."
43 echo "Usage: $0 <ADML directory> <testcase variable file> <initial sequence> <final sequence> [number of groups] [population]"
45 echo " ADML directory: path to the ADML directory where 'operation.sh' script is used to load the test cases."
46 echo " testcase variable file: path to the testcase file with parseable variables, for example '<directory>/testcase.txt.msk'."
47 echo " xml files within this test case, must exist with aditional .msk extension in the same directory."
49 echo " Currently, 4 variables are supported to be replaced:"
51 echo " * __TESTID__ : sequence number. For example if you provide 1 to 20 for this script, it will be 1 .. 20"
52 echo " * __SEQ7__ : 7-digit number corresponding to the sequence number (0000001 for 1, and so on)"
53 echo " * __SEQ8__ : 8-digit number corresponding to the sequence number (00000001 for 1, and so on)"
54 echo " * __IPV4HEX__ : hexadecimal IPv4 address, for example: 00000001"
55 echo " * __IPV4__ : IPv4 address, for example:"
57 echo " Optionally (when exists), a user defined file '$CLONE_EXTRA_VARS_SCR_BN' is sourced to extend the parseable"
58 echo " variables used within the test case stuff (this script must be placed on that directory). The script"
59 echo " will be called with the sequence number as argument during clone procedure, and shall define the needed"
60 echo " variable values referenced in the parsed files. The variables must be named as '__<name>__' which ensures"
61 echo " that main clone script environment is not contaminated."
63 echo " initial sequence: initial sequence number to parse over variables."
64 echo " final sequence: final sequence number to parse over variables."
65 echo " number of groups: number of background group jobs to clone the provided sequence range."
66 echo " By default (or if you provide \"\"), it will be the number of items divided by 25, with a maximum"
67 echo " of $MAX_NUMBER_GROUPS."
68 echo " population: Optionally, a population file (basename) can be provided. It must exist on the same directory"
69 echo " than other stuff (testcase, xml files). The behaviour will be the accumulation of every parsing"
70 echo " operation during clone procedure regarding the templated content of the population file. The"
71 echo " accumulated content will be dump over a new file created together with cloned <population> and"
72 echo " named with the extension '.all' (<population>.all). This population file could be useful to"
73 echo " specify database commands related to each sequence (each single testcase), in order to have"
74 echo " the whole population file. This won't include common database elements for the tested scenary,"
75 echo " which shall be provisioned in a separated procedure."
80 # $1: sequence number; $2: file to parse(will be updated); $3: result file
82 local vars=$(egrep -o '__((_*[A-Z]*[0-9]*)*)__' $2 | cut -d: -f2 | sort -u)
89 sed -i 's/'$pvar'/'$pvalue'/g' $file
93 # $1: sequence number; $2: working directory
99 ############################################# VARIABLES SECTION #############################################
100 local testid=$sequence
101 local seq7=$(printf "%07d" $testid)
102 local seq8=$(printf "%08d" $testid)
104 # Numbers beginning with "0" are treated as octal (i.e. base-8): we would have 'invalid octal number with 08 and 09'
105 # Solution: convert to base-10 in this way: $((10#$i))
106 local ipv4=$(for i in $(echo $seq8 | sed 's/\(..\)/ \1 /g'); do printf "%d." $((10#$i)); done | sed 's/\.$/\n/')
108 local __TESTID__=$testid
111 local __IPV4HEX__=$ipv4hex
113 [ -n "$extra_vars" ] && source $CLONE_EXTRA_VARS_SCR_FILE $sequence
114 ######################################### END VARIABLES SECTION #########################################
116 # Parse template files:
117 parse_file $sequence $TESTCASE_TEMPLATE $wkdir/testcase.txt.$sequence
120 for file in $(grep sendxml $TESTCASE_TEMPLATE | cut -d\| -f4 | sed 's/\.xml$/.xml.msk/')
122 xml=`basename $file .msk`
123 parse_file $sequence $TESTCASE_TEMPLATE_DIR/$file $wkdir/${xml}.${sequence}
124 new_file=`readlink -f $wkdir/${xml}.${sequence}`
125 sed -i 's|'$xml'|'$new_file'|g' $wkdir/testcase.txt.$sequence
127 cat $wkdir/testcase.txt.$sequence >> $wkdir/testcase.txt
128 rm $wkdir/testcase.txt.$sequence
131 if [ -n "$POPULATION" ]
133 parse_file $sequence $POPULATION_FILE $CLONE_WKDIR/${POPULATION}.$sequence
138 # $1: group number; $2: initial subrange value; $3: final subrange value
142 clone $i $CLONE_WKDIR/$1
144 echo " - Completed range [$2,$3] for $(basename $ADML_DIR)"
150 trap sig_handler SIGINT
151 trap sig_handler SIGTERM
154 TESTCASE_TEMPLATE=`readlink -f $2`
164 [ -f $CLONE_EXTRA_VARS_SCR_FILE ] && extra_vars=yes
166 [ "$4" = "" ] && usage
169 OPERATION=$ADML_DIR/operation.sh
170 [ ! -f $OPERATION ] && _exit "Missing '$OPERATION' file !!"
171 [ ! -f $TESTCASE_TEMPLATE ] && _exit "Missing '$TESTCASE_TEMPLATE' testcase template file !!"
173 if [ -n "$POPULATION" ]
175 bn_population=`basename $POPULATION`
176 [ "$bn_population" != "$POPULATION" ] && _exit "Only basename is allowed for population provided !!"
177 [ ! -f $POPULATION_FILE ] && _exit "Missing provided population file '$POPULATION_FILE' !!"
182 [ "$N_ITEMS" -lt 1 ] && _exit "Initial sequence ($CLONE_SEQ_BEGIN) provided must be under final sequence value ($CLONE_SEQ_END) !!"
183 [ "$CLONE_SEQ_END" -gt "99999999" ] && echo "Warning: some sequence value in range provided overflows __SEQ8__ and derived variables (__IPV4__ and __IPV4HEX__). Be care about using them ..."
185 if [ -z "$N_GROUPS" ]
187 N_GROUPS=$((N_ITEMS/25))
189 [ $N_GROUPS -eq 0 ] && N_GROUPS=1
192 if [ "$GROUPS_SIZE" -eq 0 ]
194 echo "Assuming minimum allowed number of groups (one group per item): $N_ITEMS"
200 timestamp_begin=$(echo "scale=3 ; $(date '+%s') + $(date '+%N') / 1000000000" | bc)
202 $OPERATION "test|clear" >/dev/null
203 [ $? -ne 0 ] && _exit "Clone aborted: failed to clean tests !"
204 #echo "Please be patient, this may take a while ..."
205 #echo "Temporary directory: $CLONE_WKDIR"
206 for group in `seq 1 $((N_GROUPS+1))`
208 n_begin=$((CLONE_SEQ_BEGIN + offset))
209 n_end=$((n_begin + GROUPS_SIZE - 1))
210 [ $n_end -gt $CLONE_SEQ_END ] && n_end=$CLONE_SEQ_END
211 [ $n_end -lt $n_begin ] && break
212 clone_group $group $n_begin $n_end &
214 offset=$((group * GROUPS_SIZE))
220 echo -n "Programming .."
221 for file in $(ls $CLONE_WKDIR/*/testcase.txt)
224 r_file=`readlink -f $file`
225 dn_r_file=`dirname $r_file`
226 $OPERATION -t 300 -f $r_file > $dn_r_file/result.txt
230 bn_dn_r_file=`basename $dn_r_file`
231 exception_dir=$ADML_DIR/exception_stuff_${bn_dn_r_file}
232 rm -rf $exception_dir
233 cp -r $dn_r_file $exception_dir
234 cp $ADML_DIR/launcher.trace $exception_dir
235 _exit "Exception detected programming a testcase. Check for '$exception_dir'"
240 timestamp_end=$(echo "scale=3 ; $(date '+%s') + $(date '+%N') / 1000000000" | bc)
242 lasted=$(echo "scale=3 ; $timestamp_end - $timestamp_begin" | bc)
243 echo "Total Lasted $lasted seconds"
244 echo "Programming speed: $(echo "$N_ITEMS/$lasted" | bc) tests per second"