if(argc < 3) {
std::string msg = "Usage: "; msg += exec;
msg += " <stacks> <working directory> [--hex-only] [--xml-only] [--no-validation] [--ignore-flags] [--debug]\n\n";
- msg += " stacks: <id1,dictionary1#id2,dictionary2#...#idN,dictionaryN>\n";
+ msg += " stacks: <appid1,dictionary1#appid2,dictionary2#...#appidN,dictionaryN>\n";
msg += " This is a list of #-separated stacks defined by a comma-separated pair <application-id,xml dictionary pathfile>\n";
msg += " If only one stack is provided, application-id could be omitted and then, all the messages will be decoded with the\n";
msg += " dictionary regardless the value of the application-id (the stack will be registered with id=0).\n";