+++ /dev/null
-SCR_DIR=`readlink -f $(dirname $0)`
-PROJECT_ROOT=$(readlink -f $SCR_DIR/../../..)
-_exit () {
- echo -e "\n$1\n"
- exit 1
-usage () {
- echo "Usage: $0 [deployment_type: a|b|f|s] [deployment_path]"
- echo
- echo " deployment_type:"
- echo " a=advanced"
- echo " b=basic"
- echo " f=function test client"
- echo " s=system test client"
- echo " deployment_path:"
- echo " non-existent path directory."
- echo
- echo " For example:"
- echo " $0 b $HOME/ADML-basicServer"
- echo " $0 b $HOME/ADML-MMSbalancer"
- echo " $0 f $HOME/ADML-tester"
- echo " $0 s $HOME/ADML-stress-client"
- echo
- exit 0
-# $1: deployment type
-createRunScript () {
- # Basic launcher 'run.sh' will be created at deployment configuration:
- [ "$1" = "b" ] && return
- local other=
- [ "$1" = "a" ] && other="--httpServer \`grep -v ^# .httpServer\`"
- [ "$1" = "f" ] && ln -s ADML-launcher $EXE
- [ "$1" = "s" ] && { other="--disableLogs"; ln -s ADML-launcher $EXE ; }
- echo "Creating 'run.sh' script ..."
- cat << EOF > run.sh
-cd \`dirname \$0\`
-STARTED=\`pgrep \$EXE$ 2>/dev/null\`
-[ \$? -eq 0 ] && { echo "Already started!"; echo "\$STARTED" ; exit 1 ; }
-0> launcher.trace
-rm -f counters/* test-reports/*
-# Execution line:
-export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\$PWD/dynlibs
-./\$EXE --services services.xml --cntDir counters --tmDir test-reports $other &
-echo \$! > .pid
- chmod a+x run.sh
-cd $SCR_DIR
-echo "---------------------------------------"
-echo "Anna Diameter Launcher (ADML) deployment"
-echo "---------------------------------------"
-[ "$1" = "--help" -o "$1" = "-h" ] && usage
-echo " (--help or -h for more info)"
-echo "Basic checkings ..."
-# Get variant and main executables:
-[ -f $SCR_DIR/release/example_diameter_launcher ] && VARIANT=release
-[ -f $SCR_DIR/debug/example_diameter_launcher ] && VARIANT=debug
-[ -z "$VARIANT" ] && _exit "Cannot locate neither 'release' nor 'debug' variant !"
-echo "Variant: $VARIANT"
-STACKMGMT_EXEC=$(readlink -f $SCR_DIR/../stackManagement/$VARIANT/example_diameter_stackManagement)
-[ ! -d $SETUPS_DIR ] && _exit "Diameter stacks not found ($SETUPS_DIR)."
-if [ "$1" = "" ]
- echo
- echo "Deploy one of these versions:"
- echo
- echo " (a)dvanced version: includes burst management script and templates for different scenarios. Automatic configuration during start."
- echo " (b)asic version: 4 types of launcher (client, server, balancer, dummy), lightly configured and managed through SIGURS2 method."
- echo " (f)unction test client: special client with regexp scheduler script based on splitted traffic logs. Requires a server to perform the tests."
- echo " (s)ystem test client: special client for stress testing. Requires a server/s to perform the tests."
- echo
- echo "Input option [b]:"
- read option
- [ "$option" = "" ] && option=b
- option=$1
-case $option in
- a)
- echo "Advanced deployment"
- DEPLOYMENTS_DIR=deployments/advanced
- DPATH_dflt=$HOME/ADML-advanced
- ;;
- b)
- echo "Basic deployment"
- DEPLOYMENTS_DIR=deployments/basic
- DPATH_dflt=$HOME/ADML-basic
- ;;
- f)
- echo "FT deployment"
- DEPLOYMENTS_DIR=deployments/ft-client
- DPATH_dflt=$HOME/ADML-ft-client
- ;;
- s)
- echo "ST deployment"
- DEPLOYMENTS_DIR=deployments/st-client
- DPATH_dflt=$HOME/ADML-st-client
- ;;
- *)
- _exit "Invalid deployment type '$option' !!"
- ;;
-if [ "$2" = "" ]
- echo "Input deployment path [$DPATH_dflt]:"
- read DPATH
- [ "$DPATH" = "" ] && DPATH=$DPATH_dflt
- DPATH=$2
-[ -d $DPATH ] && _exit "The installation path '$DPATH' must not exists."
-EXE=`basename $DPATH`
-echo "Copying to '$DPATH' ..."
-mkdir -p $DPATH
-mkdir -p $DPATH/stacks
-mkdir -p $DPATH/DTDs
-mkdir -p $DPATH/counters
-mkdir -p $DPATH/test-reports
-# Dynamic libs:
-mkdir -p $DPATH/dynlibs
-DYNLIBS=( $(find $PROJECT_ROOT -name "*.so" | grep -w $VARIANT) )
-for dynlib in ${DYNLIBS[@]}
- dynlib_bn=$(basename $dynlib)
- if [ "$dynlib_bn" != "libanna_dynamicLauncherProcedure.so" ]
- then
- cp $dynlib $DPATH/dynlibs
- else
- ########## ADML Dynamic libs system ##########
- # Create structure from $PROJECT_ROOT/dynamic/launcher
- suffix_path=$(echo $dynlib | awk -F"$PROJECT_ROOT/dynamic/launcher/" '{ print $2 }')
- target=$(dirname $DPATH/dynlibs/$(dirname $suffix_path))
- mkdir -p $target
- cp $dynlib $target
- # Additional resources
- dynlib_dn=$(dirname $dynlib)
- dynlib_dn_dn=$(dirname $dynlib_dn)
- cp $dynlib_dn_dn/*.xml $target 2>/dev/null
- cp $dynlib_dn_dn/dynamic.suffix $target 2>/dev/null
- cp -r $dynlib_dn_dn/services $target 2>/dev/null
- fi
-# ADML dynamic libs selection script:
-cp $SCR_DIR/resources/scripts/select_dynlib.sh $DPATH/dynlibs/select.sh
-# Default dynamic library:
-cd $DPATH/dynlibs
-ln -s default/libanna_dynamicLauncherProcedure.so
-cd - >/dev/null
-# Basic setup:
-[ "$option" = "b" ] && mkdir -p $DPATH/services
-# Copy executables:
-cp $ADML_EXEC $DPATH/ADML-launcher
-[ ! -f $DPATH/stacks/stack-mgmt ] && cp $STACKMGMT_EXEC $DPATH/stacks/stack-mgmt
-# Copy resources:
-cp $SETUPS_DIR/*xml $DPATH/stacks
-cp $SETUPS_DIR/*sh $DPATH/stacks
-cp $SETUPS_DIR/readme.txt $DPATH/stacks
-mkdir $DPATH/stacks/other_examples
-cp $STACK_EXAMPLES/* $DPATH/stacks/other_examples
-[ "$option" = "b" ] && cp $SERVICES/* $DPATH/services
-echo "Preparing ..."
-cd $DPATH
-createRunScript $option
-stacks/makeAutonomous.sh commands_qosControl.xml stacks/stack-mgmt >/dev/null
-ln -s stacks/autonomous.commands_qosControl.xml dictionary.xml
-cd - >/dev/null
-if [ "$option" = "s" ]
- cd $DPATH
- ln -s services_example services
- mv run.sh .run-one.sh
- mv run_all.sh run.sh
- mv operation.sh .operation-one.sh
- mv operation_all.sh operation.sh
- rm dictionary.xml
- cd - >/dev/null
-# Help:
-echo "Done !"
-echo "(see README at '$DPATH')"
+++ /dev/null
-DEPLOY_SCR=`dirname $0`/DEPLOY.sh
-_exit() {
- echo
- echo $1
- echo
- exit 1
-echo " ----------------------------"
-echo " ----------------------------"
-echo "-----------------------------------------------------------"
-echo "Usage: $0 [type] [target_directory]"
-echo " type:"
-echo " 1. Client and server"
-echo " 2. Ft-client and server"
-echo " 3. St-client and servers"
-echo " target_directory:"
-echo " Non existing directory to install the stuff"
-echo "-----------------------------------------------------------"
-[ "$type" = "" ] && { echo "Which one you want to deploy [1]:" ; read type ; }
-[ "$type" = "" ] && type=1
-case $type in
- 1)
- echo "Selected Client-Server"
- DEPLOY_DIR__dflt=$HOME/ADML-clientAndServer
- ;;
- 2)
- echo "Selected Client-Server FT"
- DEPLOY_DIR__dflt=$HOME/ADML-ftclientAndServer
- ;;
- 3)
- echo "Selected Client-Servers ST"
- DEPLOY_DIR__dflt=$HOME/ADML-stclientAndServers
- ;;
- *)
- echo "Unknown option!"
- exit 1
- ;;
-[ "$target" = "" ] && { echo "Directory for deploy [$DEPLOY_DIR__dflt]:" ; read target ; }
-[ "$target" = "" ] && target=$DEPLOY_DIR__dflt
-[ -d $target ] && _exit "The directory '$target' already exists !"
-echo "Target directory: $target"
-case $type in
- 1)
- $DEPLOY_SCR b $target/ADML-client
- $DEPLOY_SCR b $target/ADML-server
- echo "Configuring ..."
- cd $target/ADML-client
- echo c | ./configure.sh >/dev/null
- cd - >/dev/null
- cd $target/ADML-server
- echo s | ./configure.sh >/dev/null
- cd - >/dev/null
- ;;
- 2)
- $DEPLOY_SCR f $target/ADML-ft-client
- $DEPLOY_SCR b $target/ADML-server
- echo "Configuring ..."
- cd $target/ADML-server
- echo s | ./configure.sh >/dev/null
- cd - >/dev/null
- ;;
- 3)
- $DEPLOY_SCR s $target/ADML-st-client
- $DEPLOY_SCR b $target/ADML-serverGx
- $DEPLOY_SCR b $target/ADML-serverRx
- echo "Configuring ..."
-# cd $target/ADML-st-client
-# ln -s services_example services
-# mv run.sh .run-one.sh
-# mv run_all.sh run.sh
-# mv operation.sh .operation-one.sh
-# mv operation_all.sh operation.sh
-# rm dictionary.xml
-# cd - >/dev/null
- cd $target/ADML-serverGx
- echo s | ./configure.sh >/dev/null
- sed -i 's/3868/3869/' services.xml
- # Gx dictionary:
- ln -sf stacks/other_examples/16777238.xml dictionary.xml
- cd - >/dev/null
- cd $target/ADML-serverRx
- echo s | ./configure.sh >/dev/null
- # Rx dictionary:
- ln -sf stacks/other_examples/16777236.xml dictionary.xml
- cd - >/dev/null
- ;;
-echo "Done!"
--- /dev/null
+DEPLOY_SCR=`dirname $0`/deploy.sh
+_exit() {
+ echo
+ echo $1
+ echo
+ exit 1
+echo " ----------------------------"
+echo " ----------------------------"
+echo "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+echo "Usage: $0 [type] [target_directory]"
+echo " type:"
+echo " 1. Client and server"
+echo " 2. Ft-client and server"
+echo " 3. St-client and servers"
+echo " 4. Single deployment"
+echo " target_directory:"
+echo " Non existing directory to install the stuff"
+echo "-----------------------------------------------------------"
+[ "$type" = "" ] && { echo "Which one you want to deploy [1]:" ; read type ; }
+[ "$type" = "" ] && type=1
+case $type in
+ 1)
+ echo "Selected Client-Server"
+ DEPLOY_DIR__dflt=$HOME/ADML-clientAndServer
+ ;;
+ 2)
+ echo "Selected Client-Server FT"
+ DEPLOY_DIR__dflt=$HOME/ADML-ftclientAndServer
+ ;;
+ 3)
+ echo "Selected Client-Servers ST"
+ DEPLOY_DIR__dflt=$HOME/ADML-stclientAndServers
+ ;;
+ 4)
+ echo "Selected single deployment"
+ DEPLOY_DIR__dflt=$HOME/ADML-single
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Unknown option!"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+[ "$target" = "" ] && { echo "Directory for deploy [$DEPLOY_DIR__dflt]:" ; read target ; }
+[ "$target" = "" ] && target=$DEPLOY_DIR__dflt
+[ -d $target ] && _exit "The directory '$target' already exists !"
+echo "Target directory: $target"
+case $type in
+ 1)
+ $DEPLOY_SCR b $target/ADML-client
+ $DEPLOY_SCR b $target/ADML-server
+ echo "Configuring ..."
+ cd $target/ADML-client
+ echo c | ./configure.sh >/dev/null
+ cd - >/dev/null
+ cd $target/ADML-server
+ echo s | ./configure.sh >/dev/null
+ cd - >/dev/null
+ ;;
+ 2)
+ $DEPLOY_SCR f $target/ADML-ft-client
+ $DEPLOY_SCR b $target/ADML-server
+ echo "Configuring ..."
+ cd $target/ADML-server
+ echo s | ./configure.sh >/dev/null
+ cd - >/dev/null
+ ;;
+ 3)
+ $DEPLOY_SCR s $target/ADML-st-client
+ $DEPLOY_SCR b $target/ADML-serverGx
+ $DEPLOY_SCR b $target/ADML-serverRx
+ echo "Configuring ..."
+ cd $target/ADML-serverGx
+ echo s | ./configure.sh >/dev/null
+ sed -i 's/3868/3869/' services.xml
+ # Gx dictionary:
+ ln -sf stacks/other_examples/16777238.xml dictionary.xml
+ cd - >/dev/null
+ cd $target/ADML-serverRx
+ echo s | ./configure.sh >/dev/null
+ # Rx dictionary:
+ ln -sf stacks/other_examples/16777236.xml dictionary.xml
+ cd - >/dev/null
+ ;;
+ 4)
+ $DEPLOY_SCR b $target
+ echo "Configuring ..."
+ cd $target
+ echo d | ./configure.sh >/dev/null
+ cd - >/dev/null
+ ;;
+echo "Done!"
--- /dev/null
+SCR_DIR=`readlink -f $(dirname $0)`
+PROJECT_ROOT=$(readlink -f $SCR_DIR/../../..)
+_exit () {
+ echo -e "\n$1\n"
+ exit 1
+usage () {
+ echo "Usage: $0 [deployment_type: a|b|f|s] [deployment_path]"
+ echo
+ echo " deployment_type:"
+ echo " a=advanced"
+ echo " b=basic"
+ echo " f=function test client"
+ echo " s=system test client"
+ echo " deployment_path:"
+ echo " non-existent path directory."
+ echo
+ echo " For example:"
+ echo " $0 b $HOME/ADML-basicServer"
+ echo " $0 b $HOME/ADML-MMSbalancer"
+ echo " $0 f $HOME/ADML-tester"
+ echo " $0 s $HOME/ADML-stress-client"
+ echo
+ exit 0
+# $1: deployment type
+createRunScript () {
+ # Basic launcher 'run.sh' will be created at deployment configuration:
+ [ "$1" = "b" ] && return
+ local other=
+ [ "$1" = "a" ] && other="--httpServer \`grep -v ^# .httpServer\`"
+ [ "$1" = "f" ] && ln -s ADML $EXE
+ [ "$1" = "s" ] && { other="--disableLogs"; ln -s ADML $EXE ; }
+ echo "Creating 'run.sh' script ..."
+ cat << EOF > run.sh
+cd \`dirname \$0\`
+STARTED=\`pgrep \$EXE$ 2>/dev/null\`
+[ \$? -eq 0 ] && { echo "Already started!"; echo "\$STARTED" ; exit 1 ; }
+0> launcher.trace
+rm -f counters/* test-reports/*
+# Execution line:
+export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\$PWD/dynlibs
+./\$EXE --services services.xml --cntDir counters --tmDir test-reports $other &
+echo \$! > .pid
+ chmod a+x run.sh
+cd $SCR_DIR
+echo "---------------------------------------"
+echo "Anna Diameter Launcher (ADML) deployment"
+echo "---------------------------------------"
+[ "$1" = "--help" -o "$1" = "-h" ] && usage
+echo " (--help or -h for more info)"
+echo "Basic checkings ..."
+# Get variant and main executables:
+[ -f $SCR_DIR/release/example_diameter_launcher ] && VARIANT=release
+[ -f $SCR_DIR/debug/example_diameter_launcher ] && VARIANT=debug
+[ -z "$VARIANT" ] && _exit "Cannot locate neither 'release' nor 'debug' variant !"
+echo "Variant: $VARIANT"
+STACKMGMT_EXEC=$(readlink -f $SCR_DIR/../stackManagement/$VARIANT/example_diameter_stackManagement)
+[ ! -d $SETUPS_DIR ] && _exit "Diameter stacks not found ($SETUPS_DIR)."
+if [ "$1" = "" ]
+ echo
+ echo "Deploy one of these versions:"
+ echo
+ echo " (a)dvanced version: includes burst management script and templates for different scenarios. Automatic configuration during start."
+ echo " (b)asic version: 4 types of launcher (client, server, balancer, dummy), lightly configured and managed through SIGURS2 method."
+ echo " (f)unction test client: special client with regexp scheduler script based on splitted traffic logs. Requires a server to perform the tests."
+ echo " (s)ystem test client: special client for stress testing. Requires a server/s to perform the tests."
+ echo
+ echo "Input option [b]:"
+ read option
+ [ "$option" = "" ] && option=b
+ option=$1
+case $option in
+ a)
+ echo "Advanced deployment"
+ DEPLOYMENTS_DIR=deployments/advanced
+ DPATH_dflt=$HOME/ADML-advanced
+ ;;
+ b)
+ echo "Basic deployment"
+ DEPLOYMENTS_DIR=deployments/basic
+ DPATH_dflt=$HOME/ADML-basic
+ ;;
+ f)
+ echo "FT deployment"
+ DEPLOYMENTS_DIR=deployments/ft-client
+ DPATH_dflt=$HOME/ADML-ft-client
+ ;;
+ s)
+ echo "ST deployment"
+ DEPLOYMENTS_DIR=deployments/st-client
+ DPATH_dflt=$HOME/ADML-st-client
+ ;;
+ *)
+ _exit "Invalid deployment type '$option' !!"
+ ;;
+if [ "$2" = "" ]
+ echo "Input deployment path [$DPATH_dflt]:"
+ read DPATH
+ [ "$DPATH" = "" ] && DPATH=$DPATH_dflt
+ DPATH=$2
+[ -d $DPATH ] && _exit "The installation path '$DPATH' must not exists."
+EXE=`basename $DPATH`
+echo "Copying to '$DPATH' ..."
+mkdir -p $DPATH
+mkdir -p $DPATH/DTDs
+mkdir -p $DPATH/counters
+mkdir -p $DPATH/test-reports
+# Dynamic libs:
+mkdir -p $DPATH/dynlibs
+DYNLIBS=( $(find $PROJECT_ROOT -name "*.so" | grep -w $VARIANT) )
+for dynlib in ${DYNLIBS[@]}
+ dynlib_bn=$(basename $dynlib)
+ if [ "$dynlib_bn" != "libanna_dynamicLauncherProcedure.so" ]
+ then
+ cp $dynlib $DPATH/dynlibs
+ else
+ ########## ADML Dynamic libs system ##########
+ # Create structure from $PROJECT_ROOT/dynamic/launcher
+ suffix_path=$(echo $dynlib | awk -F"$PROJECT_ROOT/dynamic/launcher/" '{ print $2 }')
+ target=$(dirname $DPATH/dynlibs/$(dirname $suffix_path))
+ mkdir -p $target
+ cp $dynlib $target
+ # Additional resources
+ dynlib_dn=$(dirname $dynlib)
+ dynlib_dn_dn=$(dirname $dynlib_dn)
+ cp $dynlib_dn_dn/*.xml $target 2>/dev/null
+ cp $dynlib_dn_dn/dynamic.suffix $target 2>/dev/null
+ cp -r $dynlib_dn_dn/services $target 2>/dev/null
+ fi
+# ADML dynamic libs selection script:
+cp $SCR_DIR/resources/scripts/select_dynlib.sh $DPATH/dynlibs/select.sh
+# Default dynamic library:
+cd $DPATH/dynlibs
+ln -s default/libanna_dynamicLauncherProcedure.so
+cd - >/dev/null
+# Basic setup:
+[ "$option" = "b" ] && mkdir -p $DPATH/services
+# Copy resources:
+mkdir -p $DPATH/stack_examples/other
+cp $STACK_EXAMPLES/* $DPATH/stack_examples/other
+cp $SETUPS_DIR/*xml $DPATH/stack_examples
+cp $SETUPS_DIR/*sh $DPATH/stack_examples
+cp $SETUPS_DIR/readme.txt $DPATH/stack_examples
+[ "$option" = "b" ] && cp $SERVICES/* $DPATH/services
+cp $SCRIPTS/clone.sh $DPATH
+cp $SCRIPTS/tinyTestcase.sh $DPATH
+# Copy executables:
+[ ! -f $DPATH/stack_examples/stack-mgmt ] && cp $STACKMGMT_EXEC $DPATH/stack_examples/stack-mgmt
+echo "Default stack dynamic generation ..."
+cd $DPATH
+createRunScript $option
+stack_examples/makeAutonomous.sh commands_qosControl.xml stack_examples/stack-mgmt >/dev/null
+ln -s stack_examples/autonomous.commands_qosControl.xml dictionary.xml
+cd - >/dev/null
+if [ "$option" = "s" ]
+ cd $DPATH
+ ln -s services_example services
+ mv run.sh .run-one.sh
+ mv run_all.sh run.sh
+ mv operation.sh .operation-one.sh
+ mv operation_all.sh operation.sh
+ rm dictionary.xml
+ cd - >/dev/null
+# Help:
+echo "Done !"
+echo "(see README at '$DPATH')"
-Stacks available at './stacks'. The launcher uses 'dictionary.xml' created ad-hoc by default.
+Stacks at './stack_examples'. The launcher uses 'dictionary.xml' created ad-hoc by default.
It is a QoS application dictionary.
Template for xml messages (message.dtd), dictionaries (dictionary.dtd) and services (services.dtd)
Start with 'run.sh'. You could manually edit such script adding parameters as '--trace debug' to
-get complete 'launcher.trace'. Execute 'ADML-launcher' without arguments to see a complete
-command-line help.
+get complete 'launcher.trace'. Execute 'ADML' without arguments to see a complete command-line help.
You could get help about installed resources by mean 'help.sh', which launch a help request to
-the started ADML-launcher process http interface. All the implemented http operations could be
-launched through a script to make easy use. The http client 'curl' is used by default due to
-its presence on common linux distributions.
+the started ADML process http interface. All the implemented http operations could be launched
+through a script to make easy use. The http client 'curl' is used by default due to its presence
+on common linux distributions.
Template for xml messages (message.dtd), dictionaries (dictionary.dtd) and services (services.dtd)
are informative, not actually required by process. They are located at './DTDs'. Stacks are available
-at './stacks'. There are also some stuff (hex/xml examples, etc.) which could be useful.
+at './stack_examples'. There are also some stuff (hex/xml examples, etc.) which could be useful.
Firstly you have to configure this directory in order to choose the type of launcher which will
be preconfigured for your basic needs: client, server, balancer (proxy) and dummy process (this
# General
# Run script:
EXE_LINK=`basename $PWD`
-ln -sf $EXE_BN $EXE_LINK
+[ "$EXE_BN" != "$EXE_LINK" ] && ln -sf $EXE_BN $EXE_LINK
case $tol in
Template for xml messages (message.dtd), dictionaries (dictionary.dtd) and services (services.dtd)
are informative, not actually required by process. They are located at './DTDs'. Stacks are available
-at './stacks'. There are also some stuff (hex/xml examples, etc.) which could be useful.
+at './stack_examples'. There are also some stuff (hex/xml examples, etc.) which could be useful.
The directory 'tests' contains resources to create FT test cases. The script 'common.sh' implement
a basic scheduler to launch a request to the server, waits for incoming activity, retrieve the
Template for xml messages (message.dtd), dictionaries (dictionary.dtd)
and services (services.dtd) are informative, not actually required by
-process. They are located at './DTDs'. Stacks are available at './stacks'.
+process. They are located at './DTDs'. Stacks at './stack_examples'.
There are also some stuff (hex/xml examples, etc.) which could be useful.
You could adapt your 'services' configuration using stuff from dynamic
ln -s ../../pre-start.sh
cp ../../.run-one.sh run.sh
sed -i 's/^EXE=.*/EXE=ADML-'$instance'/' run.sh
- ln -s ../../ADML-launcher ADML-$instance
+ ln -s ../../ADML ADML-$instance
for xml in `ls ../../services/*xml`; do ln -s $xml; done
cd - >/dev/null
Execute multiple-deployment scripts by mean:
- example/diameter/launcher/DEPLOY_setups.sh
+ example/diameter/launcher/deploy-setups.sh
Or single endpoints using:
- example/diameter/launcher/DEPLOY.sh
+ example/diameter/launcher/deploy.sh