typedef std::map < int /* message code */, codec_messages_deque* >::const_iterator reacting_answers_const_iterator;
reacting_answers_container a_deques;
+ bool a_rotate;
- ProgrammedAnswers() {};
+ ProgrammedAnswers() { a_rotate = false; }
~ProgrammedAnswers() { clear(); }
+ bool rotate() const const throw() { return a_rotate; }
+ void rotate(bool r) throw() { a_rotate = r; }
void clear () throw() {
for (reacting_answers_const_iterator it = a_deques.begin(); it != a_deques.end(); it++) {
anna::diameter::codec::Engine *engine = anna::functions::component <Engine> (ANNA_FILE_LOCATION);
if (it != a_deques.end()) {
if (!it->second->empty()) {
anna::diameter::codec::Engine *engine = anna::functions::component <Engine> (ANNA_FILE_LOCATION);
- engine->releaseMessage(*(it->second->begin()));
+ if (a_rotate) {
+ addMessage(code, *(it->second->begin()));
+ }
+ else {
+ engine->releaseMessage(*(it->second->begin()));
+ }
- std::string asString() const throw() {
- std::string result = "No ocurrences found\n\n";
- std::string s_code;
+ std::string asString(const char *queueName) const throw() {
+ std::string result = "";
+ std::string aux = "FIFO QUEUE '";
+ aux += queueName;
+ aux += "', Rotation ";
+ aux += a_rotate ? "enabled":"disabled";
+ result += anna::functions::highlightJustify(aux);
if(a_deques.size() != 0) {
- result = "";
for(reacting_answers_const_iterator it = a_deques.begin(); it != a_deques.end(); it++) {
- s_code = "Answer code ";
- s_code += anna::functions::asString(it->first);
- result += anna::functions::highlightJustify(s_code);
- for(codec_messages_deque_const_iterator itm = it->second->begin(); itm != it->second->end(); itm++) {
- result += (*itm)->asXMLString();
+ if (it->second->size() != 0) {
+ aux = "Answer code ";
+ aux += anna::functions::asString(it->first);
+ result += anna::functions::highlightJustify(aux, anna::functions::TextHighlightMode::OverAndUnderline,
+ anna::functions::TextJustifyMode::Left, '-');
+ for(codec_messages_deque_const_iterator itm = it->second->begin(); itm != it->second->end(); itm++) {
+ result += (*itm)->asXMLString();
+ result += "\n";
+ }
result += "\n";
- result += "\n";
+ else {
+ result = "No ocurrences found\n\n";
+ }
return result;
result += "\nanswerxml(2e/2c)|dump Write programmed answers (to entity/client) to file 'programmed_answer.<message code>.<sequence>',";
result += "\n where 'sequence' is the order of the answer in each FIFO code-queue of programmed answers.";
result += "\nanswerxml(2e/2c)|clear Clear programmed answers (to entity/client).";
+ result += "\nanswerxml(2e/2c)|exhaust Disable the corresponding queue rotation, which is the default behaviour.";
+ result += "\nanswerxml(2e/2c)|rotate Enable the corresponding queue rotation, useful in performance tests.";
+ result += "\n Rotation consists in add again to the queue, each element retrieved for answering.";
result += "\n";
result += "\nSend operations are available using hexadecimal content (hex formatted files) which also allow to test";
result += "\nspecial scenarios (protocol errors):";
throw anna::RuntimeException("Operation not applicable (no own diameter server has been configured)", ANNA_FILE_LOCATION);
if(param1 == "") { // programmed answers FIFO's to stdout
- std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
- std::cout << " ------------- CURRENT PROGRAMMED ANSWERS TO CLIENT -------------\n\n";
- std::cout << G_reactingAnswers2C.asString() << std::endl;
+ std::cout << G_reactingAnswers2C.asString("ANSWERS TO CLIENT") << std::endl;
response_content = "Programmed answers dumped on stdout\n";
+ } else if (param1 == "rotate") {
+ G_reactingAnswers2C.rotate(true);
+ } else if (param1 == "exhaust") {
+ G_reactingAnswers2C.rotate(false);
} else if (param1 == "clear") {
} else if (param1 == "dump") {
throw anna::RuntimeException("Operation not applicable (no diameter entity has been configured)", ANNA_FILE_LOCATION);
if(param1 == "") { // programmed answers FIFO's to stdout
- std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
- std::cout << " ------------- CURRENT PROGRAMMED ANSWERS TO ENTITY -------------\n\n";
- std::cout << G_reactingAnswers2E.asString() << std::endl;
+ std::cout << G_reactingAnswers2E.asString("ANSWERS TO ENTITY") << std::endl;
response_content = "Programmed answers dumped on stdout\n";
+ } else if (param1 == "rotate") {
+ G_reactingAnswers2C.rotate(true);
+ } else if (param1 == "exhaust") {
+ G_reactingAnswers2C.rotate(false);
} else if (param1 == "clear") {
} else if (param1 == "dump") {