SCR_DIR=`readlink -f $0 | xargs dirname`
usage() {
- echo "Usage: $0 <source directory>"
+ echo "Usage: $0 <source_directory> \"[test_end_points]\" [timeout]"
- echo " The source directory may contain .xml and .metadata files grouped by pairs and alphabetically classified:"
+ echo " source_directory:"
- echo " 11.hex.as.xml 15.hex.as.xml 19.hex.as.xml ..."
- echo " 11.metadata 15.metadata 19.metadata ..."
- echo " 13.hex.as.xml 17.hex.as.xml 21.hex.as.xml ..."
- echo " 13.metadata 17.metadata 21.metadata ..."
+ echo " The source directory may contain .xml and .metadata files grouped by pairs and alphabetically classified:"
- echo " Normally the order comes from first dot-separated part, which is the decoded frame from pcap:"
+ echo " 11.hex.as.xml 15.hex.as.xml 19.hex.as.xml ..."
+ echo " 11.metadata 15.metadata 19.metadata ..."
+ echo " 13.hex.as.xml 17.hex.as.xml 21.hex.as.xml ..."
+ echo " 13.metadata 17.metadata 21.metadata ..."
- echo " 11.hex.as.xml: would be the ANNA-Diameter decoded message from hexadecimal sniffed one."
- echo " 11.metadata: would contain parsed metadata from tshark or another fulfilling this information:"
+ echo " The order comes from first dot-separated part, which is normally the decoded frame from a pcap file:"
+ echo
+ echo " 11.hex.as.xml: would be the ANNA-Diameter decoded message from hexadecimal sniffed one."
+ echo " 11.metadata: would contain parsed metadata from tshark or another fulfilling this information:"
echo " date=Sat Dec 19 11:50:55 CET 2015"
echo " timestamp=1450522255.205673000"
echo " isrequest=1"
echo " applicationid=0"
- echo " Presented example has been achieved using the 'example/diameter/pcapDecoder/tsharkDecoder.sh' script"
- echo " and then decoding with 'example/diameter/batchConverter' tool with appropiate diameter dictionaries."
+ echo " Presented example has been achieved using the 'example/diameter/pcapDecoder/tsharkDecoder.sh' script"
+ echo " and then decoding with 'example/diameter/batchConverter' tool with appropiate diameter dictionaries."
+ echo
+ echo
+ echo " test_end_points: space-separated list of possible test end points (hostnames, ip addresses)"
+ echo
+ echo " This script will create a basic testcase based on frames timeline (11, 13, 15, etc.), from the desired"
+ echo " end-point list. For example, from the 'gentraf' point of view, outgoing requests will be translated as"
+ echo " sendxml operations with corresponding waits for answers and successful result code (2001). CER/A are"
+ echo " detected creating a symbolic link to better reference them, and DPR/A are ignored."
+ echo
+ echo " The provided test end point list shall match metadata 'src' field in order to filter the valid testcase"
+ echo " messages. In case of nothing provided (empty string) a list with the possible values from the source"
+ echo " directory will be shown."
+ echo
- echo " This script will create a basic testcase based on frames timeline (11, 13, 15, etc.), from the desired"
- echo " end-point. For example, from the 'gentraf' point of view, outgoing requests will be translated as send"
- echo " operations with corresponding waits for answers and successful result code (2001). CER/A are detected"
- echo " creating a symbolic link to better reference them, and DPR/A are ignored."
+ echo " timeout:"
- echo " The resulting 'testcase.txt' will have all the operations needed to program the test case and will be"
- echo " written on same source directory referencing xml files as local-relative ones. Probably, 'change-dir'"
- echo " operation will be used before programming to ease the procedure without having to copy the stuff into"
- echo " installed ADML execution directory."
+ echo " Timeout in seconds for the testcase. By default, no timeout will be programmed for the testcase."
- echo " Connection issues (CER/A), disconnect procedures (DPR/A), database populations and sanity checks are"
- echo " not responsability for this script. Such operations shall be externally performed to guarantee that"
- echo " programming this testcase is going to be valid in context of test execution."
+ echo
+ echo
+ echo " The resulting '$TESTCASE_BN' will have all the operations needed to program the test case and will be"
+ echo " written on same source directory referencing xml files as local-relative ones. Probably, 'change-dir'"
+ echo " operation will be used before programming to ease the procedure without having to copy the stuff into"
+ echo " installed ADML execution directory."
+ echo
+ echo " Connection issues (CER/A), disconnect procedures (DPR/A), database populations and sanity checks are"
+ echo " not responsability for this script. Such operations shall be externally performed to guarantee that"
+ echo " programming this testcase is going to be valid in context of test execution. Anyway, CER messages"
+ echo " will be detected and symbolically linked with the name 'cer.<origin host>.xml'."
+# $1: frame number (there must be .metadata and .xml files); $2: check Result-Code indicator
+update_testcase () {
+ # metadata aspect:
+ #
+ # date=Wed Oct 7 01:51:16 CEST 2015
+ # timestamp=1444175476.212667000
+ # src=gt_traf
+ # dst=vcbavipt
+ # code=258
+ # isrequest=0
+ # applicationid=16777238
+ mtd=${1}.*metadata
+ xml=( `ls ${1}.*xml 2>/dev/null` )
+ [ ${#xml[@]} -ne 1 ] && _exit "There must be one xml message file corresponding to '$mtd' !!"
+ resultcode=$2
+ # Ignore disconnect peer messages on testcase format (they have no session-id):
+ grep "^code=282$" $mtd > /dev/null
+ [ $? -eq 0 ] && return
+ code=$(grep ^code $mtd | cut -d= -f2)
+ isrequest=$(grep ^isrequest $mtd | cut -d= -f2)
+ sessionid=$(grep Session-Id $xml | cut -d\" -f4)
+ lines=$(wc -l $TESTCASE_BN | awk '{ print $1 }')
+ s_waitfe="test|1|waitfe|$code|$((1-isrequest))"
+ [ -n "$sessionid" ] && s_waitfe="${s_waitfe}|||${sessionid}"
+ if [ $isrequest -eq 1 ]
+ then
+ echo "test|1|sendxml2e|$xml" >> $TESTCASE_BN
+ [ -n "$resultcode" ] && s_waitfe="${s_waitfe}|2001"
+ echo "$s_waitfe" >> $TESTCASE_BN
+ else
+ echo "$s_waitfe" >> $TESTCASE_BN
+ echo "test|1|sendxml2e|$xml|$((lines+1))" >> $TESTCASE_BN
+ fi
-cd $SCR_DIR
-source ../../configure.sh
-[ -z "$SOURCE_DIR" ] && usage
SOURCE_DIR=`readlink -f $SOURCE_DIR`
[ ! -d "$SOURCE_DIR" ] && _exit "Can't found provided directory '$SOURCE_DIR'"
+# Work on source directory:
+# Must have metadata:
+ls *.*metadata >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+[ $? -ne 0 ] && _exit "Cannot found '*.*metadata' files on '$SOURCE_DIR' !!"
+# Show possible end points if nothing provided:
+if [ -z "$END_POINTS" ]
+ src_eps=( $(grep "^src=" *.*metadata | cut -d= -f2 | sort -u) )
+ [ ${#src_eps[@]} -eq 0 ] && _exit "No source end-points detected: metadata must have an 'src=xxx' line."
+ echo "Input a space-separated list for desired end-points to be processed as test side: "
+ echo " (available source end-points: ${src_eps[*]})"
+ [ -z "$END_POINTS" ] && _exit "Invalid empty input !!"
+# Identify useful frames: those which are created at test-bed side (all except frames coming from tested systems):
+rm -f *.needed
+for tag in $END_POINTS
+ for metadata in $(grep "^src=$tag$" *.*metadata)
+ do
+ frame=$(echo $metadata | cut -d\. -f1)
+ touch ${frame}.needed
+ done
+ls *.needed >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+[ $? -ne 0 ] && _exit "No frame has been selected within '$SOURCE_DIR' for provided end-points ($END_POINTS) !!"
+# Messages classification:
+0> cers_4_starting
+0> requests_4_sending
+0> answers_4_programming
+# Optional timeout:
+[ -n "$TIMEOUT_SEC" ] && echo "test|1|timeout|$((TIMEOUT_SEC * 1000))" >> $TESTCASE_BN
+# Process frames:
+for frame in `ls *.needed | cut -d\. -f1 | sort -n`
+ file=( `ls ${frame}.*metadata 2>/dev/null` )
+ [ ${#file[@]} -ne 1 ] && _exit "There must be one metadata file corresponding to frame '$frame' !!"
+ # Ignore keep alives:
+ grep -q "^code=280$" $file
+ [ $? -eq 0 ] && continue
+ grep -q "^isrequest=1$" $file
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ]
+ then
+ grep -q "^code=257$" $file
+ [ $? -eq 0 ] && { echo $frame >> cers_4_starting ; continue ; }
+ echo $frame >> requests_4_sending
+ update_testcase $frame check_result_code
+ else
+ # Ignore CEA's:
+ grep -q "^code=257$" $file
+ [ $? -eq 0 ] && continue
+ echo $frame >> answers_4_programming
+ update_testcase $frame
+ fi
+rm -f *.needed
+# We will replace all the requests hop-by-hop's with a unique value, to avoid bad sniffing cases (different sources using bad values).
+# For example, the frame number could be valid enough.
+# involved frames:
+grep sendxml $TESTCASE_BN > .involved_frames
+n_involved=`wc -l .involved_frames | awk '{ print $1 }'`
+for frame in `cat .involved_frames | cut -d\| -f4 | cut -d\. -f1`
+ xml=( `ls ${frame}.*xml` )
+ mtd=( `ls ${frame}.*metadata` )
+ isrequest=$(grep "isrequest=1" $mtd)
+ if [ -n "$isrequest" ]
+ then
+ hbh_ini="$(grep -o "hop-by-hop-id=\"[0-9]*\"" $xml)"
+ sed -i 's/'$hbh_ini'/hop-by-hop-id="'$frame'"/' $xml
+ fi
+ count=$((count+1))
-# .........
--- /dev/null
+<message version="1" name="CER" application-id="0" hop-by-hop-id="743350" end-by-end-id="411478">
+ <avp name="Origin-Host" data="afNodeHostname.nodeHostRealm.com"/>
+ <avp name="Origin-Realm" data="nodeHostRealm.com"/>
+ <avp name="Auth-Application-Id" data="16777236"/>
+ <avp name="Origin-State-Id" data="1"/>
+ <avp name="Host-IP-Address" data="1|"/>
+ <avp name="Vendor-Id" data="193"/>
+ <avp name="Product-Name" data="afNode"/>
+ <avp name="Firmware-Revision" data="1"/>
--- /dev/null
+date=Fri Jan 15 21:31:47 CET 2016
--- /dev/null
+<message version="1" name="CC-Request" application-id="16777238" hop-by-hop-id="15" end-by-end-id="143351">
+ <avp name="Session-Id" data="MMTel_DynamicQualification;ggsnNodeHostname.nodeHostRealm.com;2;100000000"/>
+ <avp name="Destination-Host" data="ownHostId.operatorRealm.com"/>
+ <avp name="Destination-Realm" data="operatorRealm.com"/>
+ <avp name="Origin-Host" data="ggsnNodeHostname.nodeHostRealm.com"/>
+ <avp name="Origin-Realm" data="nodeHostRealm.com"/>
+ <avp name="Auth-Application-Id" data="16777238"/>
+ <avp name="Origin-State-Id" data="1"/>
+ <avp name="CC-Request-Number" data="0"/>
+ <avp name="CC-Request-Type" data="1" alias="INITIAL_REQUEST"/>
+ <avp name="Framed-IP-Address" hex-data="0a0a0a0a"/>
+ <avp name="Bearer-Usage" data="0" alias="GENERAL"/>
+ <avp name="Subscription-Id">
+ <avp name="Subscription-Id-Type" data="0" alias="END_USER_E164"/>
+ <avp name="Subscription-Id-Data" data="34600000000"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="RAT-Type" data="1004" alias="EUTRAN"/>
+ <avp name="Called-Station-Id" data="defaultApnId"/>
+ <avp name="QoS-Negotiation" data="1" alias="QoS_NEGOTIATION_SUPPORTED"/>
+ <avp name="QoS-Upgrade" data="1" alias="QoS_UPGRADE_SUPPORTED"/>
+ <avp name="Supported-Features" flags="192">
+ <avp name="Vendor-Id" data="10415"/>
+ <avp code="629" vendor-code="10415" flags="192" data="1"/>
+ <avp code="630" vendor-code="10415" flags="192" data="11"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="IP-CAN-Type" data="5" alias="3GPP-EPS"/>
--- /dev/null
+date=Fri Jan 15 21:31:48 CET 2016
--- /dev/null
+<message version="1" name="AA-Request" application-id="16777236" hop-by-hop-id="20" end-by-end-id="163097">
+ <avp name="Session-Id" data="MMTel_DynamicQualification;afNodeHostname.nodeHostRealm.com;2;100000000"/>
+ <avp name="Destination-Host" data="ownHostId.operatorRealm.com"/>
+ <avp name="Destination-Realm" data="operatorRealm.com"/>
+ <avp name="Origin-Host" data="afNodeHostname.nodeHostRealm.com"/>
+ <avp name="Origin-Realm" data="nodeHostRealm.com"/>
+ <avp name="Auth-Application-Id" data="16777236"/>
+ <avp name="Origin-State-Id" data="1"/>
+ <avp name="Framed-IP-Address" hex-data="0a0a0a0a"/>
+ <avp name="AF-Application-Identifier" hex-data="75726e25334175726e2d787878253341336770702d736572766963652e696d732e696373692e6d6d74656c"/>
+ <avp name="Media-Component-Description">
+ <avp name="Media-Component-Number" data="1"/>
+ <avp name="Media-Sub-Component">
+ <avp name="Flow-Number" data="1"/>
+ <avp name="Flow-Description" data="permit in 17 from 2234 to 2234"/>
+ <avp name="Flow-Description" data="permit out 17 from 2234 to 2234"/>
+ <avp name="Flow-Status" data="2" alias="ENABLED"/>
+ <avp name="Flow-Usage" data="0" alias="NO_INFORMATION"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Media-Sub-Component">
+ <avp name="Flow-Number" data="2"/>
+ <avp name="Flow-Description" data="permit in 17 from 2235 to 2235"/>
+ <avp name="Flow-Description" data="permit out 17 from 2235 to 2235"/>
+ <avp name="Flow-Status" data="2" alias="ENABLED"/>
+ <avp name="Flow-Usage" data="1" alias="RTCP"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="AF-Application-Identifier" hex-data="75726e25334175726e2d787878253341336770702d736572766963652e696d732e696373692e6d6d74656c"/>
+ <avp name="Media-Type" data="0" alias="OTHER"/>
+ <avp name="Max-Requested-Bandwidth-UL" data="128000"/>
+ <avp name="Max-Requested-Bandwidth-DL" data="128000"/>
+ <avp name="Flow-Status" data="2" alias="ENABLED"/>
+ <avp code="458" vendor-code="13019" flags="192" data="3" alias="PRIORITY-THREE"/>
+ <avp name="RR-Bandwidth" data="64000"/>
+ <avp name="RS-Bandwidth" data="64000"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Media-Component-Description">
+ <avp name="Media-Component-Number" data="2"/>
+ <avp name="Media-Sub-Component">
+ <avp name="Flow-Number" data="1"/>
+ <avp name="Flow-Description" data="permit in 17 from 2236 to 2236"/>
+ <avp name="Flow-Description" data="permit out 17 from 2236 to 2236"/>
+ <avp name="Flow-Status" data="2" alias="ENABLED"/>
+ <avp name="Flow-Usage" data="0" alias="NO_INFORMATION"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Media-Sub-Component">
+ <avp name="Flow-Number" data="2"/>
+ <avp name="Flow-Description" data="permit in 17 from 2237 to 2237"/>
+ <avp name="Flow-Description" data="permit out 17 from 2237 to 2237"/>
+ <avp name="Flow-Status" data="2" alias="ENABLED"/>
+ <avp name="Flow-Usage" data="1" alias="RTCP"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="AF-Application-Identifier" hex-data="75726e25334175726e2d787878253341336770702d736572766963652e696d732e696373692e6d6d74656c"/>
+ <avp name="Media-Type" data="1" alias="VIDEO"/>
+ <avp name="Max-Requested-Bandwidth-UL" data="128000"/>
+ <avp name="Max-Requested-Bandwidth-DL" data="128000"/>
+ <avp name="Flow-Status" data="2" alias="ENABLED"/>
+ <avp code="458" vendor-code="13019" flags="192" data="4" alias="PRIORITY-FOUR"/>
+ <avp name="RR-Bandwidth" data="64000"/>
+ <avp name="RS-Bandwidth" data="64000"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="AF-Charging-Identifier" hex-data="41462d4368617267696e674964656e746966696572"/>
+ <avp name="SIP-Forking-Indication" data="0" alias="SINGLE_DIALOGUE"/>
+ <avp name="Supported-Features" flags="192">
+ <avp name="Vendor-Id" data="10415"/>
+ <avp code="629" vendor-code="10415" flags="192" data="1"/>
+ <avp code="630" vendor-code="10415" flags="192" data="19"/>
+ </avp>
--- /dev/null
+date=Fri Jan 15 21:31:48 CET 2016
--- /dev/null
+<message version="1" name="RA-Answer" p-bit="yes" application-id="16777238" hop-by-hop-id="3244878460" end-by-end-id="3244878460">
+ <avp name="Session-Id" data="MMTel_DynamicQualification;ggsnNodeHostname.nodeHostRealm.com;2;100000000"/>
+ <avp name="Origin-Host" data="ggsnNodeHostname.nodeHostRealm.com"/>
+ <avp name="Origin-Realm" data="nodeHostRealm.com"/>
+ <avp name="Result-Code" data="2001" alias="DIAMETER_SUCCESS"/>
+ <avp name="Origin-State-Id" data="1"/>
--- /dev/null
+date=Fri Jan 15 21:31:48 CET 2016
--- /dev/null
+<message version="1" name="CC-Request" application-id="16777238" hop-by-hop-id="30" end-by-end-id="3244878461">
+ <avp name="Session-Id" data="MMTel_DynamicQualification;ggsnNodeHostname.nodeHostRealm.com;2;100000000"/>
+ <avp name="Destination-Host" data="ownHostId.operatorRealm.com"/>
+ <avp name="Destination-Realm" data="operatorRealm.com"/>
+ <avp name="Origin-Host" data="ggsnNodeHostname.nodeHostRealm.com"/>
+ <avp name="Origin-Realm" data="nodeHostRealm.com"/>
+ <avp name="Auth-Application-Id" data="16777238"/>
+ <avp name="Origin-State-Id" data="1"/>
+ <avp name="CC-Request-Number" data="1"/>
+ <avp name="CC-Request-Type" data="2" alias="UPDATE_REQUEST"/>
+ <avp name="Bearer-Usage" data="0" alias="GENERAL"/>
+ <avp name="Subscription-Id">
+ <avp name="Subscription-Id-Type" data="0" alias="END_USER_E164"/>
+ <avp name="Subscription-Id-Data" data="34600000000"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="RAT-Type" data="1004" alias="EUTRAN"/>
+ <avp name="IP-CAN-Type" data="6" alias="Non-3GPP-EPS"/>
--- /dev/null
+date=Fri Jan 15 21:31:48 CET 2016
--- /dev/null
+<message version="1" name="ST-Request" application-id="16777236" hop-by-hop-id="35" end-by-end-id="163097">
+ <avp name="Session-Id" data="MMTel_DynamicQualification;afNodeHostname.nodeHostRealm.com;2;100000000"/>
+ <avp name="Destination-Host" data="ownHostId.operatorRealm.com"/>
+ <avp name="Destination-Realm" data="operatorRealm.com"/>
+ <avp name="Origin-Host" data="afNodeHostname.nodeHostRealm.com"/>
+ <avp name="Origin-Realm" data="nodeHostRealm.com"/>
+ <avp name="Auth-Application-Id" data="16777236"/>
+ <avp name="Origin-State-Id" data="1"/>
+ <avp name="Termination-Cause" data="1" alias="LOGOUT"/>
--- /dev/null
+date=Fri Jan 15 21:31:48 CET 2016
--- /dev/null
+<message version="1" name="RA-Answer" p-bit="yes" application-id="16777238" hop-by-hop-id="3244878461" end-by-end-id="3244878461">
+ <avp name="Session-Id" data="MMTel_DynamicQualification;ggsnNodeHostname.nodeHostRealm.com;2;100000000"/>
+ <avp name="Origin-Host" data="ggsnNodeHostname.nodeHostRealm.com"/>
+ <avp name="Origin-Realm" data="nodeHostRealm.com"/>
+ <avp name="Result-Code" data="2001" alias="DIAMETER_SUCCESS"/>
+ <avp name="Origin-State-Id" data="1"/>
--- /dev/null
+date=Fri Jan 15 21:31:48 CET 2016
--- /dev/null
+<message version="1" name="CC-Request" application-id="16777238" hop-by-hop-id="41" end-by-end-id="3244878462">
+ <avp name="Session-Id" data="MMTel_DynamicQualification;ggsnNodeHostname.nodeHostRealm.com;2;100000000"/>
+ <avp name="Destination-Host" data="ownHostId.operatorRealm.com"/>
+ <avp name="Destination-Realm" data="operatorRealm.com"/>
+ <avp name="Origin-Host" data="ggsnNodeHostname.nodeHostRealm.com"/>
+ <avp name="Origin-Realm" data="nodeHostRealm.com"/>
+ <avp name="Auth-Application-Id" data="16777238"/>
+ <avp name="Origin-State-Id" data="1"/>
+ <avp name="CC-Request-Number" data="2"/>
+ <avp name="CC-Request-Type" data="3" alias="TERMINATION_REQUEST"/>
+ <avp name="Bearer-Usage" data="0" alias="GENERAL"/>
+ <avp name="Subscription-Id">
+ <avp name="Subscription-Id-Type" data="0" alias="END_USER_E164"/>
+ <avp name="Subscription-Id-Data" data="34600000000"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="RAT-Type" data="1004" alias="EUTRAN"/>
+ <avp name="Termination-Cause" data="1" alias="LOGOUT"/>
--- /dev/null
+date=Fri Jan 15 21:31:48 CET 2016
--- /dev/null
+<message version="1" name="CER" application-id="0" hop-by-hop-id="840233" end-by-end-id="630062">
+ <avp name="Origin-Host" data="ggsnNodeHostname.nodeHostRealm.com"/>
+ <avp name="Origin-Realm" data="nodeHostRealm.com"/>
+ <avp name="Auth-Application-Id" data="16777238"/>
+ <avp name="Origin-State-Id" data="1"/>
+ <avp name="Host-IP-Address" data="1|"/>
+ <avp name="Vendor-Id" data="193"/>
+ <avp name="Product-Name" data="ggsnNode"/>
+ <avp name="Firmware-Revision" data="1"/>
--- /dev/null
+date=Fri Jan 15 21:31:47 CET 2016