void Launcher::signalUSR2() throw(anna::RuntimeException) {
- std::string msg = "Captured signal SIGUSR2. Reading tasks at '";
+ std::string msg = "Captured signal SIGUSR2. Reading tasks at '";
msg += "' (results will be written at '";
std::ofstream out_file(SIGUSR2_TASKS_OUTPUT_FILENAME);
if(!in_file.is_open()) throw RuntimeException("Unable to read tasks", ANNA_FILE_LOCATION);
if(!out_file.is_open()) throw RuntimeException("Unable to write tasks", ANNA_FILE_LOCATION);
while(getline(in_file, line)) {
+ out_file << "EOF\n";
result += "\n and then see the results:";
result += "\n cat "; result += SIGUSR2_TASKS_OUTPUT_FILENAME;
result += "\n";
+ result += "\n (this file is ended with EOF final line, useful managing huge batch files to ensure the job completion)";
+ result += "\n";
result += "\nYou could place more than one line (task) in the input file. Output reports will be appended in that";
result += "\n case over the output file. Take into account that all the content of the task file will be executed";
result += "\n sinchronously by the process. If you are planning traffic load, better use the asynchronous http";
--- /dev/null
+CLONE_WKDIR=$(mktemp -d)
+# (depends on the machine)
+_exit (){
+ echo
+ echo $1
+ echo
+ # Cleanup:
+ rm -rf $CLONE_WKDIR
+ rc=1
+ [ -n "$2" ] && rc=$2
+ exit $rc
+sig_handler() {
+ _exit "Script interrupted. Cleanup & exit ..."
+usage() {
+ echo "Usage: $0 <ADML directory> <testcase variable file> <initial sequence> <final sequence> [number of groups]"
+ echo
+ echo " ADML directory: path to the ADML directory where 'operation.sh' script is used to load the test cases."
+ echo " testcase variable file: path to the testcase file with parseable variables, for example '<directory>/testcase.txt.msk'."
+ echo " xml files within this test case, must exist with aditional .msk extension in the same directory."
+ echo " Currently, 9 variables are supported to be replaced:"
+ echo " __TESTID__ : sequence number. For example if you provide 1 to 20 for this script, it will be 1 .. 20"
+ echo " __SEQ8__ : 8-digit number corresponding to the sequence number (00000001 for 1, and so on)"
+ echo " __MSISDN9__: 9-digit msisdn"
+ echo " __IPV4HEX__: hexadecimal IPv4 address, for example: 00000001"
+ echo " __IPV4__ : IPv4 address, for example:"
+ echo " __SGX1_SUFFIX__: 1<8-digit sequence>"
+ echo " __SRX1_SUFFIX__: \""
+ echo " __SGX2_SUFFIX__: 2<8-digit sequence>"
+ echo " __SRX2_SUFFIX__: \""
+ echo
+ echo " initial sequence: initial sequence number to parse over variables."
+ echo " final sequence: final sequence number to parse over variables."
+ echo " number of groups: number of background group jobs to clone the provided sequence range."
+ echo " By default, it will be the number of items divided by 25, with a maximum of $MAX_NUMBER_GROUPS."
+ echo
+ echo
+ _exit
+children () {
+ bash_pid=$$
+ children=`ps -eo ppid | grep -w $bash_pid`
+ echo $children | wc -w
+# $1: sequence number; $2: file to parse(will be updated); $3: result file
+parse_file() {
+ local vars=$(egrep -o '__((_*[A-Z]*[0-9]*)*)__' $2 | cut -d: -f2 | sort -u)
+ local file=$2
+ cp $2 $3
+ file=$3
+ for pvar in $vars
+ do
+ eval pvalue=\$$pvar
+ sed -i 's/'$pvar'/'$pvalue'/g' $file
+ done
+# $1: sequence number; $2: working directory
+clone() {
+ local sequence=$1
+ local wkdir=$2
+ mkdir -p $wkdir
+ # Values:
+ testid=$sequence
+ seq8=$(printf "%08d" $testid)
+ msisdn9=6${seq8}
+ ipv4hex=$seq8
+ #ipv4=$(for i in $(echo $seq8 | sed 's/\(..\)/0x\1 /g'); do printf "%d." $i; done | sed 's/\.$/\n/')
+ # Numbers beginning with "0" are treated as octal (i.e. base-8): we would have 'invalid octal number with 08 and 09'
+ # Solution: convert to base-10 in this way: $((10#$i))
+ ipv4=$(for i in $(echo $seq8 | sed 's/\(..\)/ \1 /g'); do printf "%d." $((10#$i)); done | sed 's/\.$/\n/')
+ # Sessions
+ sgx1_suffix=1$seq8
+ srx1_suffix=1$seq8
+ sgx2_suffix=2$seq8
+ srx2_suffix=2$seq8
+ local target=$wkdir/values.${1}
+ echo "__TESTID__=$testid" > $target
+ echo "__SEQ8__=$seq8" >> $target
+ echo "__MSISDN9__=$msisdn9" >> $target
+ echo "__IPV4HEX__=$ipv4hex" >> $target
+ echo "__IPV4__=$ipv4" >> $target
+ echo "__SGX1_SUFFIX__=$sgx1_suffix" >> $target
+ echo "__SRX1_SUFFIX__=$srx1_suffix" >> $target
+ echo "__SGX2_SUFFIX__=$sgx2_suffix" >> $target
+ echo "__SRX2_SUFFIX__=$srx2_suffix" >> $target
+ source $target
+ #rm $target
+ # Parse template files:
+ parse_file $sequence $TESTCASE_TEMPLATE $wkdir/testcase.txt.$sequence
+ for file in $(grep sendxml $TESTCASE_TEMPLATE | cut -d\| -f4 | sed 's/\.xml$/.xml.msk/')
+ do
+ xml=`basename $file .msk`
+ parse_file $sequence $TESTCASE_TEMPLATE_DIR/$file $wkdir/${xml}.${sequence}
+ new_file=`readlink -f $wkdir/${xml}.${sequence}`
+ sed -i 's|'$xml'|'$new_file'|g' $wkdir/testcase.txt.$sequence
+ done
+ cat $wkdir/testcase.txt.$sequence >> $wkdir/testcase.txt
+ rm $wkdir/testcase.txt.$sequence
+# $1: group number; $2: initial subrange value; $3: final subrange value
+clone_group() {
+ for i in `seq $2 $3`
+ do
+ clone $i $CLONE_WKDIR/$1
+ #sleep 0.01
+ done
+trap sig_handler SIGINT
+trap sig_handler SIGTERM
+TESTCASE_TEMPLATE=`readlink -f $2`
+[ "$4" = "" ] && usage
+# Auxiliary:
+[ ! -f $OPERATION ] && _exit "Missing '$OPERATION' file !!"
+[ ! -f $TESTCASE_TEMPLATE ] && _exit "Missing '$TESTCASE_TEMPLATE' testcase template file !!"
+if [ -z "$N_GROUPS" ]
+ N_GROUPS=$((N_ITEMS/25))
+ [ $N_GROUPS -eq 0 ] && N_GROUPS=1
+if [ "$GROUPS_SIZE" -eq 0 ]
+ echo "Assuming minimum allowed number of groups: $N_ITEMS"
+# Start cloning:
+timestamp_begin=$(echo "scale=3 ; $(date '+%s') + $(date '+%N') / 1000000000" | bc)
+echo "Please be patient, this may take a while ..."
+$OPERATION "test|clear"
+for group in `seq 1 $((N_GROUPS+1))`
+ n_begin=$((CLONE_SEQ_BEGIN + offset))
+ n_end=$((n_begin + GROUPS_SIZE - 1))
+ [ $n_end -gt $CLONE_SEQ_END ] && n_end=$CLONE_SEQ_END
+ [ $n_end -lt $n_begin ] && break
+ clone_group $group $n_begin $n_end &
+ offset=$((group * GROUPS_SIZE))
+# Wait background jobs to finish:
+while true
+ sleep 1
+ [ $(children) -eq $children_before ] && break
+# Programming:
+echo -n "Programming .."
+for file in $(ls $CLONE_WKDIR/*/testcase.txt)
+ echo -n .
+ r_file=`readlink -f $file`
+ dn_r_file=`dirname $r_file`
+ #bn_dn_r_file=`basename $dn_r_file`
+ #echo "Programming group $bn_dn_r_file ..."
+ $OPERATION -f $r_file >/dev/null
+ #$OPERATION -f $r_file > $dn_r_file/result.txt
+ rm -rf $dn_r_file &
+timestamp_end=$(echo "scale=3 ; $(date '+%s') + $(date '+%N') / 1000000000" | bc)
+lasted=$(echo "scale=3 ; $timestamp_end - $timestamp_begin" | bc)
+echo "Total Lasted $lasted seconds"
+echo "Programming speed: $(echo "$N_ITEMS/$lasted" | bc) tests per second"
+# Finish:
+_exit "Done!" 0
if (!step) step = new TestStepWait(this);
step->setCondition(fromEntity, code, bitR, usedHopByHop, applicationId, sessionId, resultCode, msisdn, imsi, serviceContextId);
if (hasSameCondition(step->getCondition()))
- anna::Logger::warning(anna::functions::asString("The same wait condition has already been programmed in this test case (%llu). Are you sure ?", a_id), ANNA_FILE_LOCATION);
+ anna::Logger::information(anna::functions::asString("The same wait condition has already been programmed in this test case (%llu). Are you sure ?", a_id), ANNA_FILE_LOCATION);
TestStepWait *step = new TestStepWait(this);
step->setCondition(fromEntity, regexp);
if (hasSameCondition(step->getCondition()))
- anna::Logger::warning(anna::functions::asString("The same wait condition has already been programmed in this test case (%llu). Are you sure ?", a_id), ANNA_FILE_LOCATION);
+ anna::Logger::information(anna::functions::asString("The same wait condition has already been programmed in this test case (%llu). Are you sure ?", a_id), ANNA_FILE_LOCATION);