--- /dev/null
+// ANNA - Anna is Not Nothingness Anymore //
+// //
+// (c) Copyright 2005-2015 Eduardo Ramos Testillano & Francisco Ruiz Rayo //
+// //
+// See project site at http://redmine.teslayout.com/projects/anna-suite //
+// See accompanying file LICENSE or copy at http://www.teslayout.com/projects/public/anna.LICENSE //
+// Standard
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
+#include <cstdlib>
+// Project
+#include <anna/core/util/Tokenizer.hpp>
+#include <anna/core/Exception.hpp>
+#include <TestManager.hpp>
+#include <anna/diameter/codec/Message.hpp>
+#include <anna/diameter/codec/Avp.hpp>
+#include <anna/diameter/helpers/dcca/functions.hpp>
+#include <anna/diameter/helpers/dcca/functions.hpp>
+// Local
+#include "Procedure.hpp"
+#include "Launcher.hpp"
+namespace {
+ void usage (std::string &response) {
+ response += "\n\nInvalid arguments. Provide these ones:";
+ response += "\n";
+ response += "\n<initial sequence>|<final sequence>|<digits>|<CCR-I xml file>[|CCR-T xml file]";
+ response += "\n";
+ response += "\nSequences are parsed when needed, over AVPs or internal values:";
+ response += "\n";
+ response += "\nSession-Id: <DiameterIdentity>;<high 32 bits>;<low 32 bits>[;<optional value>]";
+ response += "\n \\_fixed_/\\_digits_/ \\_fixed_/\\_digits_/";
+ response += "\n";
+ response += "\nFor example, imagine a 13-digits diameter identity, and a 10-digits optional part.";
+ response += "\nThis procedure will sequence the range for 8 digits in this way:";
+ response += "\n";
+ response += "\n111111<7-digit-sequence>;BAT004;esmdx0900.gxrel10plusrealm.com;901<7-digit-sequence>";
+ response += "\n";
+ response += "\nThe same will be done in MSISDN and IMSI (Subscription-Data AVPs).";
+ response += "\nFramed-IP-Address will be sequenced with a direct correspondence to hex value.";
+ response += "\n";
+ response += "\nThen, you could provide these arguments: \"2000000|9000000|7|CCR-I.xml|CCR-T.xml\"";
+ response += "\n";
+ }
+void Procedure::execute(const std::string &args, std::string &response) throw(anna::RuntimeException) {
+ response = "ERROR : ";
+ anna::Tokenizer targs;
+ targs.apply(args, "|");
+ if (targs.size() < 4) {
+ usage(response);
+ return;
+ }
+ anna::Tokenizer::const_iterator tok_it = targs.begin();
+ std::string seq_i = anna::Tokenizer::data(tok_it); tok_it++;
+ std::string seq_f = anna::Tokenizer::data(tok_it); tok_it++;
+ std::string digits = anna::Tokenizer::data(tok_it); tok_it++;
+ std::string ccr_i = anna::Tokenizer::data(tok_it); tok_it++;
+ std::string ccr_t = ((tok_it != targs.end()) ? anna::Tokenizer::data(tok_it):"");
+ bool haveTermination = (ccr_t != "");
+ //response = "\n\nInitial sequence: "; response += seq_i; response += "\n";
+ //response += "Final sequence: "; response += seq_f; response += "\n";
+ //response += "Sequence digits: "; response += digits; response += "\n";
+ //response += "CCR-Initial xml: "; response += ccr_i; response += "\n";
+ //if (haveTermination) {
+ // response += "CCR-Termination xml: "; response += ccr_t; response += "\n";
+ //}
+ // Test cases cycles:
+ unsigned int ll_seq_i = std::atol(seq_i.c_str());
+ unsigned int ll_seq_f = std::atol(seq_f.c_str());
+ unsigned int ll_seq_size = ll_seq_f - ll_seq_i + 1;
+ int i_digits = std::atoi(digits.c_str());
+ if (ll_seq_i > ll_seq_f) {
+ response += "<final sequence> must be greater or equal than <initial sequence>";
+ return;
+ }
+ if (seq_f.size() > i_digits) {
+ response += "<final sequence> must be lesser than number of <digits>";
+ return;
+ }
+ unsigned int ll_seq, ll_index;
+ anna::Millisecond timeout(5000);
+ // Load xml messages:
+ anna::diameter::codec::Message ccri, ccrt;
+ anna::diameter::codec::Avp *ccri_sessionId, *ccrt_sessionId, *ccri_framedIPAddress, *ccrt_framedIPAddress, *ccri_msisdn, *ccri_imsi;
+ anna::diameter::codec::Avp *si1, *si2, *sidata1, *sidata2, *sitype1, *sitype2;
+ try {
+ ///////// CCR-Initial:
+ ccri.loadXML(ccr_i);
+ // Session-Id & Framed-Ip-Address AVPs
+ ccri_sessionId = ccri.getAvp("Session-Id");
+ ccri_framedIPAddress = ccri.getAvp("Framed-IP-Address");
+ // Subscription-Id AVPs
+ if (ccri.countAvp("Subscription-Id") != 2) {
+ response += "Both Subscription-Id MSISDN & IMSI Avps must be present in the CCR-Initial provided !";
+ return;
+ }
+ si1 = ccri.getAvp("Subscription-Id", 1, anna::Exception::Mode::Ignore);
+ si2 = ccri.getAvp("Subscription-Id", 2, anna::Exception::Mode::Ignore);
+ if (!si1 || !si2) {
+ response += "Cannot found Subscription-Id MSISDN & IMSI Avps !" ;
+ return;
+ }
+ sidata1 = si1->getAvp("Subscription-Id-Data");
+ sidata2 = si2->getAvp("Subscription-Id-Data");
+ sitype1 = si1->getAvp("Subscription-Id-Type");
+ //sitype2 = si2->getAvp("Subscription-Id-Type");
+ if (sitype1->getEnumerated()->getValue() == anna::diameter::helpers::dcca::AVPVALUES__Subscription_Id_Type::END_USER_E164) {
+ ccri_msisdn = sidata1;
+ ccri_imsi = sidata2;
+ }
+ else {
+ ccri_msisdn = sidata2;
+ ccri_imsi = sidata1;
+ }
+ ///////// CCR-Termination:
+ if (haveTermination) {
+ ccrt.loadXML(ccr_t);
+ // Session-Id & Framed-Ip-Address AVPs
+ ccrt_sessionId = ccrt.getAvp("Session-Id");
+ ccrt_framedIPAddress = ccrt.getAvp("Framed-IP-Address");
+ }
+ }
+ catch(anna::RuntimeException &ex) {
+ ex.trace();
+ }
+ // Prepare session-id string:
+ std::string sessionId = ccri_sessionId->getUTF8String()->getValue();
+ std::size_t last_semicolon = sessionId.rfind(";");
+ anna::Tokenizer tsessionid;
+ tsessionid.apply(sessionId, ";");
+ if (tsessionid.size() < 4) {
+ response += "Session-Id must be in form '<a>;<b>;<c>;<d>'.\n\n";
+ usage(response);
+ return;
+ }
+ tok_it = tsessionid.begin();
+ std::string d_identity = anna::Tokenizer::data(tok_it); tok_it++; tok_it++; tok_it++;
+ std::string o_part = anna::Tokenizer::data(tok_it);
+ int d_identity_len = d_identity.size();
+ int left_di = d_identity_len - i_digits;
+ if (left_di < 0) {
+ response += "Session-Id diameter identity length is lower than selected number of digits ";
+ response += anna::functions::asString("(%d < %d).\n\n", d_identity_len, i_digits);
+ usage(response);
+ return;
+ }
+ int o_part_len = o_part.size();
+ int left_op = o_part_len - i_digits;
+ if (left_op < 0) {
+ response += "Session-Id optional part length is lower than selected number of digits ";
+ response += anna::functions::asString("(%d < %d).\n\n", o_part_len, i_digits);
+ usage(response);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Idem for MSISDN & IMSI Subscription-Data:
+ std::string msisdn = ccri_msisdn->getUTF8String()->getValue();
+ int msisdn_len = msisdn.size();
+ int left_msisdn = msisdn_len - i_digits;
+ if (left_msisdn < 0) {
+ response += "MSISDN Subscription-Data length is lower than selected number of digits ";
+ response += anna::functions::asString("(%d < %d).\n\n", left_msisdn, i_digits);
+ usage(response);
+ return;
+ }
+ std::string imsi = ccri_imsi->getUTF8String()->getValue();
+ int imsi_len = imsi.size();
+ int left_imsi = imsi_len - i_digits;
+ if (left_imsi < 0) {
+ response += "IMSI Subscription-Data length is lower than selected number of digits ";
+ response += anna::functions::asString("(%d < %d).\n\n", left_imsi, i_digits);
+ usage(response);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Format strings:
+ char ndigit_format[32];
+ sprintf(ndigit_format, "%s%d%s", "%0", i_digits, "u");
+ //response += "\nSession-Id original: "; response += sessionId;
+ //response += "\nMSISDN original: "; response += msisdn;
+ //response += "\nIMSI original: "; response += imsi;
+ // TestManager:
+ TestManager &testManager = TestManager::instantiate();
+ char cad_aux[16];
+ char cad_framed[16];
+ TestCase *tc;
+ Launcher& my_app = static_cast <Launcher&>(anna::app::functions::getApp());
+ OriginHost *oh = my_app.getWorkingNode();
+ for (ll_index = 0; ll_index < ll_seq_size; ll_index++) {
+ // Calculate next values ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ ll_seq = ll_seq_i + ll_index;
+ sprintf(cad_aux, ndigit_format, ll_seq);
+ sprintf(cad_framed, "%08x", ll_seq);
+ if (ll_seq % 10000 == 0) {
+ std::cout << "Processing sequence " << ll_seq << std::endl;
+ }
+ sessionId.replace(left_di, i_digits, cad_aux);
+ sessionId.replace(last_semicolon + left_op + 1, i_digits, cad_aux);
+ msisdn.replace(left_msisdn, i_digits, cad_aux);
+ imsi.replace(left_imsi, i_digits, cad_aux);
+ //response += "\nSession-Id modified: "; response += sessionId;
+ //response += "\nMSISDN modified: "; response += msisdn;
+ //response += "\nIMSI modified: "; response += imsi;
+ //response += "\nFramedIP modified: "; response += cad_framed;
+ // Update diameter messages /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ ccri_sessionId->getUTF8String()->setValue(sessionId);
+ ccri_framedIPAddress->getOctetString()->fromHexString(cad_framed);
+ ccri_msisdn->getUTF8String()->setValue(msisdn);
+ ccri_imsi->getUTF8String()->setValue(imsi);
+ if (haveTermination) {
+ ccrt_sessionId->getUTF8String()->setValue(sessionId);
+ ccrt_framedIPAddress->getOctetString()->fromHexString(cad_framed);
+ }
+ // Create testcase:
+ tc = testManager.getTestCase(ll_index+1);
+ // test|__TESTID__|timeout|6000
+ // test|__TESTID__|sendxml2e|ccr-i.xml
+ // test|__TESTID__|waitfe|272|0|||11111__SEQ8__;BAT004;esmdx0900.gxrel10plusrealm.com;90__SEQ8__|2001
+ // test|__TESTID__|sendxml2e|ccr-t.xml
+ // test|__TESTID__|waitfe|272|0|||11111__SEQ8__;BAT004;esmdx0900.gxrel10plusrealm.com;90__SEQ8__|2001
+ // Step 1: timeout 5000 ms:
+ tc->addTimeout(timeout);
+ // Step 2: sendxml2e: CCR-Initial
+ tc->addSendxml2e(ccri.code(), oh, -1 /* 'wait for request' step number for answers */);
+ // Step 3: waitfe: CCA with same session id
+ // PARAM: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
+ // wait<fe/fc>|[code]|[bitR]|[hopByHop]|[applicationId]|[sessionId]|[resultCode]|[msisdn]|[imsi]|[serviceContextId]
+ tc->addWait(true /* from entity */, "272", "0", "", "", sessionId, "2001", "", "", "");
+ if (haveTermination) {
+ // Step 4: sendxml2e: CCR-Termination
+ tc->addSendxml2e(ccrt.code(), oh, -1 /* 'wait for request' step number for answers */);
+ // Step 5: waitfe: CCA with same session id
+ tc->addWait(true /* from entity */, "272", "0", "", "", sessionId, "2001", "", "", "");
+ }
+ } // loop
+ response = "Programming complete !";