std::string asString() const throw() {
std::string result = "No ocurrences found\n\n";
+ std::string s_code;
if(a_deques.size() != 0) {
+ result = "";
for(reacting_answers_const_iterator it = a_deques.begin(); it != a_deques.end(); it++) {
- result += "Answer code .............................................................. ";
- result += anna::functions::asString(it->first); result += "\n";
+ s_code = "Answer code ";
+ s_code += anna::functions::asString(it->first);
+ result += anna::functions::highlightJustify(s_code);
for(codec_messages_deque_const_iterator itm = it->second->begin(); itm != it->second->end(); itm++) {
result += (*itm)->asXMLString();
result += "\n";
result += "\n as many queues as different message codes have been received.";
result += "\nanswerxml|[source_file] Same as 'answerxml2c'.";
result += "\nanswerxml(2e/2c) List programmed answers (to entity/client) if no parameter provided.";
- result += "\nanswerxml(2e/2c)|dump Write programmed answers (to entity/client) to file 'programmed_answer.<code>.<sequence>',";
+ result += "\nanswerxml(2e/2c)|dump Write programmed answers (to entity/client) to file 'programmed_answer.<message code>.<sequence>',";
result += "\n where 'sequence' is the order of the answer in each FIFO code-queue of programmed answers.";
result += "\nanswerxml(2e/2c)|clear Clear programmed answers (to entity/client).";
result += "\n";
result += "\nsendhex|<source_file> Same as 'sendhex2e'.";
result += "\n";
result += "\nAnswer programming in hexadecimal is not really neccessary (you could use send primitives) and also";
- result += "\nis intended to be used with decoded messages in order to replace things like hop by hop, end to end,";
- result += "\nsubscriber id, session id, etc. Anyway you could use 'decode' operation and then program the xml created.";
+ result += "\n is intended to be used with decoded messages in order to replace things like hop by hop, end to end,";
+ result += "\n subscriber id, session id, etc. Anyway you could use 'decode' operation and then program the xml created.";
result += "\n";
result += "\nIf a request is received, answer map (built with 'answerxml<[2c] or 2e>' operations) will be";
result += "\n checked to find a corresponding programmed answer to be replied(*). If no ocurrence is found,";
result += "\n or nothing but trace when no peer at that side is configured. Answer to client have sense when";
result += "\n diameter server socket is configured, answer to entity have sense when entity does.";
result += "\n";
+ result += "\nIn the most complete situation (process with both client and server side) there are internally";
+ result += "\n two maps with N FIFO queues, one for each different message code within programmed answers.";
+ result += "\nOne map is for answers towards the client, and the other is to react entity requests. Then in";
+ result += "\n each one we could program different answers corresponding to different request codes received.";
+ result += "\n";
result += "\n(*) sequence values (hop-by-hop and end-to-end), Session-Id and Subscription-Id avps, are mirrored";
result += "\n to the peer which sent the request. If user wants to test a specific answer without changing it,";
result += "\n use sendxml/sendhex operations better than programming.";