commandLine.add("log", anna::CommandLine::Argument::Optional, "Process log file (operations result, traffic log, etc.). By default 'launcher.log'. Empty string or \"null\" name, to disable. Warning: there is no rotation for log files (use logrotate or whatever)");
commandLine.add("splitLog", anna::CommandLine::Argument::Optional, "Splits log file (appends to log filename, extensions with the type of event: see help on startup information-level traces). No log files for code/decode and load operations are created", false);
commandLine.add("detailedLog", anna::CommandLine::Argument::Optional, "Insert detailed information at log files. Should be disabled on automatic tests. Useful on '-balance' mode to know messages flow along the sockets", false);
- commandLine.add("dumpLog", anna::CommandLine::Argument::Optional, "Write to disk every incoming/outcoming message named as '<hop by hop>.<end to end>.<message code>.<request|answer>.xml'", false);
+ commandLine.add("dumpLog", anna::CommandLine::Argument::Optional, "Write to disk every incoming/outcoming message named as '<hop by hop>.<end to end>.<message code>.<request|answer>.<type of event>.xml'", false);
commandLine.add("logStatisticSamples", anna::CommandLine::Argument::Optional, "Log statistics samples for the provided concept id list, over './sample.<concept id>.csv' files. For example: \"1,2\" will log concepts 1 and 2. Reserved word \"all\" activates all registered statistics concept identifiers. That ids are shown at context dump (see help to get it).");
commandLine.add("burstLog", anna::CommandLine::Argument::Optional, "Burst operations log file. By default 'launcher.burst'. Empty string or \"null\" name, to disable. Warning: there is no rotation for log files (use logrotate or whatever). Output: dot (.) for each burst message sent/pushed, cross (x) for popped ones, and order number when multiple of 1% of burst list size, plus OTA requests when changed.");
commandLine.add("cntDir", anna::CommandLine::Argument::Optional, "Counters directory. By default is the current execution directory. Warning: a counter file will be dump per record period; take care about the possible accumulation of files");
name += ".";
name += anna::functions::asString(decodedMessage.getId().first);
name += ".";
- name += ((decodedMessage.getId().second) ? "request.xml":"answer.xml");
+ name += ((decodedMessage.getId().second) ? "request.":"answer.");
+ name += logExtension;
+ name += ".xml";
ofstream outMsg(name.c_str(), ifstream::out | ifstream::app);
outMsg.write(xml.c_str(), xml.size());