--- /dev/null
+<message version="1" name="CC-Request" application-id="16777238" hop-by-hop-id="3" end-by-end-id="120858624">
+ <avp name="Session-Id" data="111110000000;BAT004;esmdx0900.gxrel10plusrealm.com;9020000000"/>
+ <avp name="Origin-Host" data="esmdx0900.gxrel10plusrealm.com"/>
+ <avp name="Origin-Realm" data="gxrel10plusrealm.com"/>
+ <avp name="Destination-Realm" data="operatorRealm.com"/>
+ <avp name="Origin-State-Id" data="1"/>
+ <avp name="CC-Request-Number" data="0"/>
+ <avp name="CC-Request-Type" data="1" alias="INITIAL_REQUEST"/>
+ <avp name="Bearer-Usage" data="0" alias="GENERAL"/>
+ <avp name="Framed-IP-Address" hex-data="00000000"/>
+ <avp name="IP-CAN-Type" data="0" alias="3GPP-GPRS"/>
+ <avp name="Subscription-Id">
+ <avp name="Subscription-Id-Type" data="0" alias="END_USER_E164"/>
+ <avp name="Subscription-Id-Data" data="111110000000"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Subscription-Id">
+ <avp name="Subscription-Id-Type" data="1" alias="END_USER_IMSI"/>
+ <avp name="Subscription-Id-Data" data="0000000"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="Gx-Capability-List" data="25"/>
+ <avp name="Bearer-Identifier" hex-data="3131313131"/>
+ <avp name="Bearer-Operation" data="1" alias="ESTABLISHMENT"/>
+ <avp name="Supported-Features" flags="192">
+ <avp name="Vendor-Id" data="10415"/>
+ <avp name="Feature-List-ID" data="1"/>
+ <avp name="Feature-List" data="11"/>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="RAI" data="123456010a00"/>
+ <avp name="RAT-Type" data="1000" alias="UTRAN"/>
+ <avp name="Called-Station-Id" data=""/>
+ <avp name="QoS-Information">
+ <avp name="QoS-Class-Identifier" data="1" alias="QCI_1"/>
+ <avp name="Max-Requested-Bandwidth-UL" data="504000"/>
+ <avp name="Max-Requested-Bandwidth-DL" data="504000"/>
+ <avp name="Guaranteed-Bitrate-UL" data="104000"/>
+ <avp name="Guaranteed-Bitrate-DL" data="104000"/>
+ <avp name="Allocation-Retention-Priority">
+ <avp name="Priority-Level" data="1"/>
+ </avp>
+ </avp>
+ <avp name="QoS-Negotiation" data="1" alias="QoS_NEGOTIATION_SUPPORTED"/>
+ <avp name="QoS-Upgrade" data="1" alias="QoS_UPGRADE_SUPPORTED"/>
+ <avp name="3GPP-Charging-Characteristics" data="0457"/>
+ <avp name="3GPP-User-Location-Info" hex-data="313233343536373839"/>
+ <avp name="3GPP-SGSN-Address" hex-data="0a011450"/>
+ <avp name="Rule-Space-Suggestion" hex-data="43"/>
+ <avp name="Auth-Application-Id" data="16777238"/>
--- /dev/null
+<message version="1" name="CC-Request" application-id="16777238" hop-by-hop-id="4" end-by-end-id="920291330">
+ <avp name="Session-Id" data="111110000000;BAT004;esmdx0900.gxrel10plusrealm.com;9020000000"/>
+ <avp name="Origin-Host" data="esmdx0900.gxrel10plusrealm.com"/>
+ <avp name="Origin-Realm" data="gxrel10plusrealm.com"/>
+ <avp name="Destination-Realm" data="operatorRealm.com"/>
+ <avp name="Origin-State-Id" data="1"/>
+ <avp name="CC-Request-Number" data="1"/>
+ <avp name="CC-Request-Type" data="3" alias="TERMINATION_REQUEST"/>
+ <avp name="Bearer-Usage" data="0" alias="GENERAL"/>
+ <avp name="Termination-Cause" data="1" alias="LOGOUT"/>
+ <avp name="Framed-IP-Address" hex-data="00000000"/>
+ <avp name="Auth-Application-Id" data="16777238"/>
--- /dev/null
echo "Orientative table"
echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo -n "Number of instances: "
+ instances__dflt=$(ceil $max_connections $MAXIMUM_SUGGESTED_CLIENT_CONNECTION_PER_ADML_INSTANCE)
instances=$(ceil $max_connections $conn)
echo -n -e "\t$instances"
+ [ $conn -eq 2 ] && instances__dflt=$instances
echo -e "Connects per instance:\t10\t9\t8\t7\t6\t5\t4\t3\t2\t1"
echo "==========================================================================================================="
#echo "Input selection (connections per instance 1..$MAXIMUM_SUGGESTED_CLIENT_CONNECTION_PER_ADML_INSTANCE) [1]:"
- instances__dflt=$(ceil $max_connections $MAXIMUM_SUGGESTED_CLIENT_CONNECTION_PER_ADML_INSTANCE)
echo "Input the desired number of ADML instances [$instances__dflt]:"
echo " (more than $instances instances, implies 1 single connection/instance)"
echo "Warning: the number of connections per ADML instance ($G_ADML_CONNECTIONS) is greater"
+ echo " than the maximum recommended: $MAXIMUM_SUGGESTED_CLIENT_CONNECTION_PER_ADML_INSTANCE"
echo "Press ENTER to continue, CTRL-C to abort ..."
read dummy
+# Format for instance number (for example: 1 -> 001, .., 45 -> 045, 300 -> 300)
# Dump persintently:
# Rate per instance:
-#rate_per_instance=$(ceil $desired_rate $G_ADML_INSTANCES)
[ $rate_per_instance -lt 1 ] && rate_per_instance=1
echo $rate_per_instance > $ADML_RATE_PER_INSTANCE__ST_CONF_FILE
echo " - $G_ADML_INSTANCES ADML instances"
echo " - $G_ADML_CONNECTIONS client connections per ADML instance"
while [ -z "$N_TESTCASES" ]; do read N_TESTCASES; done
echo "Input the first test id to program [1]:"
read first_value
[ "$first_value" = "" ] && first_value=1
[ $first_value -lt 1 ] && first_value=1
-time_covered_1=$(ceil $N_TESTCASES $desired_rate)
-time_covered=$(ceil $N_TESTCASES $((desired_rate*G_ADML_INSTANCES)))
-echo "That amount covers $time_covered_1 seconds for one running ADML instance."
-if [ $G_ADML_INSTANCES -gt 1 ]
- echo "But you will have $G_ADML_INSTANCES instances running in parallel, then the total covered time is: $time_covered seconds"
- testcase_per_adml_instance=$((N_TESTCASES/G_ADML_INSTANCES))
- echo "(aproximately, $testcase_per_adml_instance test cases will be programmed on each ADML instance)"
-for instance in `seq 1 $G_ADML_INSTANCES`
- offset=$((testcase_per_adml_instance * (instance-1)))
- ini=$((offset + first_value))
- fin=$((offset + first_value + testcase_per_adml_instance - 1))
- echo "$instance $ini $fin" >> $N_TESTCASES_PROGRAM_LAYOUT__ST_CONF_FILE
+time_covered=$(echo "$N_TESTCASES/$desired_rate" | bc)
+echo "Aproximately, $testcase_per_adml_instance test cases will be programmed on each ADML instance (we have $G_ADML_INSTANCES instances)."
+echo "As we shall program $N_TESTCASES test cases, the total time covered for the desired system rate of $desired_rate cps, is $time_covered seconds."
-if [ $time_covered -lt 300 ]
+if [ $time_covered -lt 10 ]
- echo "$time_covered seconds is under 5 minutes, you should add more test cases to the pool except if you are sure"
+ echo "$time_covered seconds is under 10 seconds, you should add more test cases to the pool except if you are sure"
echo " they will take less time that cycle completion. You could ensure that with a first timeout step."
echo "Configuring such timeout slightly under $((1000*time_covered)) milliseconds, you could repeat the cycle safely to"
echo " obtain a greater total time of testing."
read minutes
while [ -z "$minutes" ]; do read minutes; done
-repeats=$(ceil $seconds $time_covered)
+[ $seconds -gt $time_covered ] && { repeats=$(ceil $seconds $time_covered) ; repeats=$((repeats-1)) ; }
if [ $repeats -gt 0 ]
- echo "You will need $repeats cycles to cover $minutes minutes."
- echo "Input the number of cyles [$repeats]: "
- echo " (providing 0, you will cover $time_covered seconds)"
+ cycles=$((repeats+1))
+ echo "You will need $cycles cycles to cover $minutes minutes."
+ echo "Input the desired number of cyles [$cycles]: "
+ echo " (providing 1, you will cover $time_covered seconds)"
- read wanted_repeats
- [ -z "$wanted_repeats" ] && wanted_repeats=$repeats
- echo $wanted_repeats > $CYCLE_REPEATS__ST_CONF_FILE
- [ $wanted_repeats -gt 0 ] && echo "Configured $wanted_repeats cycle repeats ($((wanted_repeats+1)) x $time_covered seconds ~ $(((wanted_repeats+1)*time_covered)) seconds of testing)."
+ read wanted_cycles
+ [ -z "$wanted_cycles" ] && wanted_cycles=$cycles
+ wanted_repeats=$((wanted_cycles-1))
+ echo $wanted_cycles > $CYCLE_REPEATS__ST_CONF_FILE
+ [ $wanted_repeats -gt 0 ] && echo "Configured $wanted_repeats cycle repeats ($wanted_cycles cycles x $time_covered seconds ~ $((wanted_cycles*time_covered)) seconds of testing)."
echo "System test configuration completed."
sed -i 's/__CLIENT_CONNECTIONS__/'$G_ADML_CONNECTIONS'/g' services.xml
cd - >/dev/null
-for instance in `seq 1 $G_ADML_INSTANCES`
+# Create instances and layout:
+for i in `seq 1 $G_ADML_INSTANCES`
+ instance=$(printf "%0${INSTANCE_FORMAT}d" $i)
+ offset=$((testcase_per_adml_instance * (i-1)))
+ ini=$((offset + first_value))
+ fin=$((offset + first_value + testcase_per_adml_instance - 1))
+ echo "$instance $ini $fin" >> $N_TESTCASES_PROGRAM_LAYOUT__ST_CONF_FILE
echo "Creating ADML instance $instance ..."
mkdir -p ADMLS/ADML-$instance
cd ADMLS/ADML-$instance
+# touch .operation_background to force background execution of every ADML instances operations "broadcasted"
cd `dirname $0`
if [ ! -d "ADMLS" ]
exit 1
+[ -f .operation_background ] && BGROUND=yes
for op in `ls ADMLS/*/operation.sh`
dn_op=`dirname $op`
cd $dn_op
echo -n "Instance `basename $dn_op`: "
- ./operation.sh $@
- [ $? -ne 0 ] && { echo ; exit 1 ; }
+ if [ -n "$BGROUND" ]
+ then
+ ./operation.sh $@ &
+ sleep 0.01
+ else
+ ./operation.sh $@
+ [ $? -ne 0 ] && { echo ; exit 1 ; }
+ fi
cd - >/dev/null
usage() {
- echo "Usage: $0 <test stuff directory> [-s]"
- echo
- echo " Performs test case programming from scratch (current test cases will be dropped from ADML involved instances)."
- echo
- echo " test stuff directory: contains msk files, specially a testcase file with xml files referenced inside. Those"
- echo " xml files (without the .msk extension) shall exists in the directory. For example:"
- echo
- echo " $0 st_examples/DynamicQualification"
- echo
- echo " Optionally, a file called 'specific' could exists containing testcase-specific information,"
- echo " which normally will be used to specify database sentences. This file will be accumulated"
- echo " as a cloning seed over the file 'specific.all' created on test stuff directory."
- echo
- echo
- echo " -s: start testing just after programming, using desired rate: $DESIRED_RATE test cases per second."
+ cat << EOF
+Usage: $0 <test stuff directory|dynamic> [-s]
+ Performs test case programming from scratch (current test cases will be dropped
+ from ADML involved instances). There are two types of programming depending on
+ the first argument provided:
+ test stuff directory:
+ The folder provided must contain msk files, specially a testcase file with
+ xml files referenced inside. Those xml files (without the .msk extension)
+ shall exists in the directory. For example:
+ $0 st_examples/DynamicQualification
+ Optionally, a file 'specific' could exists containing testcase-specific
+ information, which normally will be used to specify database sentences.
+ This file will be accumulated as a cloning seed over the file 'specific.all'
+ created on test stuff directory.
+ Template type programming could be used for medium-duration testings, because
+ the scripting used for programming, have lots of groups divisions which even
+ background-executed are much more slower on programming than a c++ builtin
+ procedure: dynamic type is the one for large sets of test cases:
+ dynamic:
+ The current dynamic procedure selected by mean 'dynlibs/select.sh' script,
+ will be programmed using its dirname resources: inside, you may found not
+ only the .so library but the needed xml files for the implemented scenary
+ and a file called 'dynamic.suffix' used to complete the dynamic operation
+ in this way:
+ dynamic|<initial sequence>|<final sequence>|<dynamic.suffix content>
+ For example, you could have this content for 'dynamic.suffix':
+ 7|CCR-I.xml|CCR-T.xml
+ in order to generate the operation:
+ dynamic|<initial sequence>|<final sequence>|7|CCR-I.xml|CCR-T.xml
+ which would be parsed for the specific ADML instance programmed:
+ dynamic|2000001|2001000|7|CCR-I.xml|CCR-T.xml
+ The file 'dynamic.suffix' could have several lines for several scenaries.
+ In this case, this script will prompt for the desired one.
+ This script will build every operation for the configured ADML instances
+ to complete all the sequence ranges along the whole test system.
+ -s: start testing just after programming, using desired rate: $DESIRED_RATE test cases per second.
[ $ADML_INSTANCES -gt 1 ] && echo " In your case, with $ADML_INSTANCES, a rate of $RATE_PER_INSTANCE ttps will be send per instance."
./operation.sh --ping >/dev/null
[ $? -ne 0 ] && _exit "Programming aborted (some ADML client process is not running) !"
+# Arguments:
-[ ! -d $TESTCASE_DIR ] && _exit "Cannot found the test directory '$TESTCASE_DIR' !!"
-TESTCASE=( `ls $TESTCASE_DIR/testcase*msk 2>/dev/null` )
-[ $TESTCASE_FILES -ne 1 ] && _exit "One and only one 'testcase*msk' file must be present !!"
-MAX_NUMBER_GROUPS=$(grep ^MAX_NUMBER_GROUPS= clone.sh | cut -d= -f2)
-[ -f $TESTCASE_DIR/specific ] && specific=specific
-while read -r line
- instance=$(echo $line | awk '{ print $1 }')
- ini_seq=$(echo $line | awk '{ print $2 }')
- fin_seq=$(echo $line | awk '{ print $3 }')
- ADML_DIR=`readlink -f ADMLS/ADML-$instance`
- echo -e "\rCloning interval [$ini_seq,$fin_seq] for $(basename $ADML_DIR) ..."
- ./clone.sh $ADML_DIR $TESTCASE $ini_seq $fin_seq $CLONE_GROUPS $specific &
- sleep 0.1
- count=$((count+1))
+# test case stuff programming #########################################################
+if [ "$PROG_TYPE" != "dynamic" ]
+ [ ! -d $TESTCASE_DIR ] && _exit "Cannot found the test directory '$TESTCASE_DIR' !!"
+ TESTCASE=( `ls $TESTCASE_DIR/testcase*msk 2>/dev/null` )
+ [ $TESTCASE_FILES -ne 1 ] && _exit "One and only one 'testcase*msk' file must be present !!"
+ MAX_NUMBER_GROUPS=$(grep ^MAX_NUMBER_GROUPS= clone.sh | cut -d= -f2)
+ specific=
+ [ -f $TESTCASE_DIR/specific ] && specific=specific
+ count=0
+ while read -r line
+ do
+ instance=$(echo $line | awk '{ print $1 }')
+ ini_seq=$(echo $line | awk '{ print $2 }')
+ fin_seq=$(echo $line | awk '{ print $3 }')
+ ADML_DIR=`readlink -f ADMLS/ADML-$instance`
+ echo -e "\rCloning interval [$ini_seq,$fin_seq] for $(basename $ADML_DIR) ..."
+ ./clone.sh $ADML_DIR $TESTCASE $ini_seq $fin_seq $CLONE_GROUPS $specific &
+ sleep 0.1
+ count=$((count+1))
+ then
+ idle_cpu=$(top -b -d 0.1 -n 2 | grep 'Cpu(s):'| tail -1 |awk '{print $8}')
+ echo
+ echo "Idle cpu = $idle_cpu%"
+ echo "if cpu is not overcommited, consider increase ADML_CONCURRENT_PROVISION_JOBS environment variable (now $ADML_CONCURRENT_PROVISION_JOBS)"
+ echo
+ wait $(jobs -p)
+ count=0
+ fi
+ # Wait background jobs to finish:
+ sleep 5
+ echo "Waiting for clone completion ..."
+ echo "(please be patient, this may take a while)"
+ echo
+ echo "Background Jobs: $(jobs -p | wc -l)"
+ wait $(jobs -p)
+ echo
+ echo "Programming has finished !"
+ echo
+ echo "Configuring repeat cycles ..."
+ ./operation.sh "test|repeats|$REPEATS"
+ if [ -n "$specific" ]
- idle_cpu=$(top -b -d 0.1 -n 2 | grep 'Cpu(s):'| tail -1 |awk '{print $8}')
- echo
- echo "Idle cpu = $idle_cpu%"
- echo "if cpu is not overcommited, consider increase ADML_CONCURRENT_PROVISION_JOBS environment variable (now $ADML_CONCURRENT_PROVISION_JOBS)"
+ echo "A new file '$TESTCASE_DIR/specific.all' has been created."
+ echo "Probably you need to apply it before starting traffic."
- wait $(jobs -p)
- count=0
+ echo "Press ENTER to continue, CTRL-C to abort ..."
+ read dummy
+# dynamic programming #################################################################
+ TESTCASE_DIR=$(readlink -f dynlibs/libanna_dynamicLauncherProcedure.so | xargs dirname)
-# Wait background jobs to finish:
-sleep 5
-echo "Waiting for clone completion ..."
-echo "(please be patient, this may take a while)"
-echo "Background Jobs: $(jobs -p | wc -l)"
-wait $(jobs -p)
+ [ ! -f $DYNAMIC_SUFFIX_FILE ] && _exit "Missing '$DYNAMIC_SUFFIX_FILE' file. Use 'dynlibs/select.sh' to change the dynamic procedure and restart the ADML instances."
+ dynamic_suffix=( $(grep -v ^# $DYNAMIC_SUFFIX_FILE) )
-echo "Programming has finished !"
+ # Multiple scenarios:
+ suffixes=${#dynamic_suffix[@]}
+ if [ $suffixes -gt 1 ]
+ then
+ echo "Detected $suffixes scenarios. Please, select the desired option:"
+ echo
+ tmpfile=$(mktemp)
+ opt=1
+ for line in $(grep -v ^# $DYNAMIC_SUFFIX_FILE)
+ do
+ echo "${opt}) $line"
+ opt=$((opt+1))
+ done > $tmpfile
+ cat $tmpfile
+ echo
+ read option
+ while [ -z "$option" ]; do read option ; done
+ dynamic_suffix=$(grep "^${option}) " $tmpfile | cut -d" " -f2-)
+ [ -z "$dynamic_suffix" ] && _exit "Invalid option !"
+ fi
-echo "Configuring repeat cycles ..."
-./operation.sh "test|repeats|$REPEATS"
+ while read -r line
+ do
+ instance=$(echo $line | awk '{ print $1 }')
+ ini_seq=$(echo $line | awk '{ print $2 }')
+ fin_seq=$(echo $line | awk '{ print $3 }')
+ ADML_DIR=`readlink -f ADMLS/ADML-$instance`
+ cd $ADML_DIR
+ # Modify xml files path:
+ xmls=( $(echo $dynamic_suffix | sed 's/'\|'/ /g') )
+ dynamic_suffix=$(for xml in ${xmls[@]}
+ do
+ echo $xml | grep -q "\.xml$"
+ [ $? -eq 0 ] && echo -n "$TESTCASE_DIR/"
+ echo -n "${xml}|"
+ done | sed 's/'\|'$//')
+ ./operation.sh -t 15 "dynamic|$ini_seq|$fin_seq|$dynamic_suffix"
+ cd - >/dev/null
-if [ -n "$specific" ]
- echo "A new file '$TESTCASE_DIR/specific.all' has been created."
- echo "Probably you need to apply it before starting traffic."
- echo
- echo "Press ENTER to continue, CTRL-C to abort ..."
- read dummy