0> launcher.trace
rm -f counters/*
# Execution line:
-./\$EXE -cntDir counters $(for i in `cat args.txt | grep -v "^#"`; do echo -n "$i "; done)&
+./\$EXE --cntDir counters $(for i in `cat args.txt | grep -v "^#"`; do echo -n "$i "; done)&
echo \$! > .pid
echo "Load xml file and show on stdout again."
echo "It is useful to test xml loader and xml viewer, but also for show aliases and,"
- echo "if '-ignoreFlags' commandline option is missing, for flag coherence checking."
+ echo "if '--ignoreFlags' commandline option is missing, for flag coherence checking."
[ "$tol" = "" ] && _exit "Option '$option' not implemented !!"
# Tracing
-TRACING="-cntDir counters"
+TRACING="--cntDir counters"
echo "Enable debug traces ? (y/n) [n]:"
read enable
[ "$enable" = "" ] && enable=n
-[ "$enable" = "y" ] && TRACING="$TRACING -trace debug"
+[ "$enable" = "y" ] && TRACING="$TRACING --trace debug"
# Kindness
echo " (ignoring flags turns a made-up xml representation; execute './$EXE_BN | grep -A1 ignoreFlags:' for more help)"
read strict
[ "$strict" = "" ] && strict=y
-[ "$strict" = "n" ] && KINDNESS="-ignoreFlags"
+[ "$strict" = "n" ] && KINDNESS="--ignoreFlags"
if [ "$option" = "s" ]
echo " (ignoring errors, the process won't answer Failed-AVP automatically; execute './$EXE_BN | grep -A1 ignoreErrors:' for more help)"
read i_errors
[ "$i_errors" = "" ] && i_errors=n
- [ "$i_errors" = "y" ] && KINDNESS="$KINDNESS -ignoreErrors"
+ [ "$i_errors" = "y" ] && KINDNESS="$KINDNESS --ignoreErrors"
# Run script:
- createRunScript $EXE_LINK -dictionary $DICTIONARY -entity $ENTITY -entityServerSessions $CONNS -diameterServerSessions 0 $KINDNESS $TRACING &
+ createRunScript $EXE_LINK --dictionary $DICTIONARY --entity $ENTITY --entityServerSessions $CONNS --diameterServerSessions 0 $KINDNESS $TRACING &
- createRunScript $EXE_LINK -dictionary $DICTIONARY -diameterServer $SERVER -diameterServerSessions $CONNS -entityServerSessions 0 $KINDNESS $TRACING &
+ createRunScript $EXE_LINK --dictionary $DICTIONARY --diameterServer $SERVER --diameterServerSessions $CONNS --entityServerSessions 0 $KINDNESS $TRACING &
- createRunScript $EXE_LINK -dictionary $DICTIONARY -entity $ENTITY -entityServerSessions $CONNS -diameterServer $SERVER -diameterServerSessions $CONNS -balance $KINDNESS $TRACING &
+ createRunScript $EXE_LINK --dictionary $DICTIONARY --entity $ENTITY --entityServerSessions $CONNS --diameterServer $SERVER --diameterServerSessions $CONNS --balance $KINDNESS $TRACING &
- createRunScript $EXE_LINK -dictionary $DICTIONARY -entityServerSessions 0 -diameterServerSessions 0 $KINDNESS $TRACING &
+ createRunScript $EXE_LINK --dictionary $DICTIONARY --entityServerSessions 0 --diameterServerSessions 0 $KINDNESS $TRACING &
ProgrammedAnswers() { a_rotate = false; }
~ProgrammedAnswers() { clear(); }
- bool rotate() const const throw() { return a_rotate; }
+ bool rotate() const throw() { return a_rotate; }
void rotate(bool r) throw() { a_rotate = r; }
void clear () throw() {
anna::diameter::comm::Entity *a_entity;
std::string a_logFile, a_burstLogFile;
std::ofstream a_burstLogStream;
- bool a_splitLog, a_detailedLog;
+ bool a_splitLog, a_detailedLog, a_dumpLog;
anna::time::Date a_start_time;
anna::timex::Engine* a_timeEngine;
MyCounterRecorder *a_counterRecorder;
result += "\nsendxml|<source_file> Same as 'sendxml2e'.";
result += "\nanswerxml2e|[source_file] Answer xml source file (pathfile) for incoming request with same code from entity.";
result += "\n The answer is stored in a FIFO queue for a specific message code, then there are";
- result += "\n as many queues as different message codes have been received.";
+ result += "\n as many queues as different message codes have been programmed.";
result += "\nanswerxml2c|[source_file] Answer xml source file (pathfile) for incoming request with same code from client.";
result += "\n The answer is stored in a FIFO queue for a specific message code, then there are";
- result += "\n as many queues as different message codes have been received.";
+ result += "\n as many queues as different message codes have been programmed.";
result += "\nanswerxml|[source_file] Same as 'answerxml2c'.";
result += "\nanswerxml(2e/2c) List programmed answers (to entity/client) if no parameter provided.";
result += "\nanswerxml(2e/2c)|dump Write programmed answers (to entity/client) to file 'programmed_answer.<message code>.<sequence>',";
try {
CommandLine& commandLine(anna::CommandLine::instantiate());
// General
+ commandLine.add(NULL, anna::CommandLine::Argument::Optional, "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX");
+ commandLine.add("juan,pepe,maria", anna::CommandLine::Argument::Optional, "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX");
+ commandLine.add("dos,palabras", anna::CommandLine::Argument::Optional, "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX");
+ commandLine.add("x,y", anna::CommandLine::Argument::Optional, "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX");
+ commandLine.add("-x", anna::CommandLine::Argument::Optional, "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX");
+ commandLine.add("-ooox", anna::CommandLine::Argument::Optional, "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX");
+ commandLine.add("--ooox", anna::CommandLine::Argument::Optional, "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX");
+ commandLine.add("--x", anna::CommandLine::Argument::Optional, "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX");
+ commandLine.add("x,-y", anna::CommandLine::Argument::Optional, "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX");
+ commandLine.add("x,-lly", anna::CommandLine::Argument::Optional, "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX");
+ commandLine.add("bueno,a-medias", anna::CommandLine::Argument::Optional, "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX");
+ commandLine.add("bueno,en-te-ro", anna::CommandLine::Argument::Optional, "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX");
+ commandLine.add("b,a-ho-ra-si", anna::CommandLine::Argument::Optional, "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX");
commandLine.add("trace", anna::CommandLine::Argument::Optional, "Trace level (emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, information, debug, local0..local7)");
commandLine.add("log", anna::CommandLine::Argument::Optional, "Process log file (operations result, traffic log, etc.). By default 'launcher.log'. Empty string or \"null\" name, to disable. Warning: there is no rotation for log files (use logrotate or whatever)");
commandLine.add("splitLog", anna::CommandLine::Argument::Optional, "Splits log file (appends to log filename, extensions with the type of event: see help on startup information-level traces). No log files for code/decode and load operations are created", false);
commandLine.add("detailedLog", anna::CommandLine::Argument::Optional, "Insert detailed information at log files. Should be disabled on automatic tests. Useful on '-balance' mode to know messages flow along the sockets", false);
+ commandLine.add("dumpLog", anna::CommandLine::Argument::Optional, "Write to disk every incoming/outcoming message named as '<hop by hop>.<end to end>.<message code>.<request|answer>.xml'", false);
commandLine.add("logStatisticSamples", anna::CommandLine::Argument::Optional, "Log statistics samples for the provided concept id list, over './sample.<concept id>.csv' files. For example: \"1,2\" will log concepts 1 and 2. Reserved word \"all\" activates all registered statistics concept identifiers. That ids are shown at context dump (see help to get it).");
commandLine.add("burstLog", anna::CommandLine::Argument::Optional, "Burst operations log file. By default 'launcher.burst'. Empty string or \"null\" name, to disable. Warning: there is no rotation for log files (use logrotate or whatever). Output: dot (.) for each burst message sent/pushed, cross (x) for popped ones, and order number when multiple of 1% of burst list size, plus OTA requests when changed.");
commandLine.add("cntDir", anna::CommandLine::Argument::Optional, "Counters directory. By default is the current execution directory. Warning: a counter file will be dump per record period; take care about the possible accumulation of files");
a_burstLogFile = "launcher.burst";
a_splitLog = false;
a_detailedLog = false;
+ a_dumpLog = false;
a_timeEngine = NULL;
a_counterRecorder = NULL;
a_counterRecorderClock = NULL;
title += "]";
// Build complete log:
std::string log = "\n";
+ std::string xml = decodedMessage.asXMLString();
if(a_detailedLog) {
anna::time::Date now;
title += " ";
title += now.asString();
log += anna::functions::highlight(title, anna::functions::TextHighlightMode::OverAndUnderline);
- log += decodedMessage.asXMLString();
+ log += xml;
log += "\n";
log += anna::functions::highlight("Used resource");
log += detail;
} else {
log += title;
log += "\n";
- log += decodedMessage.asXMLString();
+ log += xml;
log += "\n";
+ if(a_dumpLog) {
+ std::string name = anna::functions::asString(decodedMessage.getHopByHop());
+ name += ".";
+ name += anna::functions::asString(decodedMessage.getEndToEnd());
+ name += ".";
+ name += anna::functions::asString(decodedMessage.getId().first);
+ name += ".";
+ name += ((decodedMessage.getId().second) ? "request.xml":"answer.xml");
+ ofstream outMsg(name.c_str(), ifstream::out | ifstream::app);
+ outMsg.write(xml.c_str(), xml.size());
+ outMsg.close();
+ }
// Write and close
out.write(log.c_str(), log.size());
if(cl.exists("detailedLog")) a_detailedLog = true;
+ if(cl.exists("dumpLog")) a_dumpLog = true;
if(cl.exists("burstLog")) a_burstLogFile = cl.getValue("burstLog");
// Log statistics concepts
--- /dev/null
+-a -p 2000 --limit 60 -n 500 -d 0 --trace notice --timeout 15000 --quota 512 &
+++ /dev/null
-rm *.trace *.old
-../$GMAKE_TARGET_DIR/http_rserver -a -p 2000 -limit 60 -n 500 -d 0 -trace notice -timeout 15000 -quota 512 &
- Facilita la recogida de parametros desde la linea de comandos. Tambien
- verifica que todos los parametros necesarios han sido indicados por el
- usuario.
+ Command line parser helper for our application. It's close to GNU-style, supporting
+ single letter (single hyphen) and long argument names (double hyphen). No bare hyphen
+ or double-dash end of parsing separator are supported. No positional arguments are supported.
class CommandLine : public Singleton <CommandLine> {
+ /* returns first no-leading hyphen position; -1 is error */
+ static int removeLeadingHyphens(std::string &argv) throw();
Define los tipos de argumento
- Registra un argumentName que sera recocido por nuestra aplicacion.
- Se pueden indicar tantos argumentNames como sea necesario.
- @param argumentName Nombre del argumento.
- @param type Tipo de argumento. Ver Variable#Type.
- @param comment Explicacion acerca de cometido de este argumento.
- @param needValue Indica si el parametro que estamos definido debe tener un
- valor adicional. Por ejemplo un parametro "usuario" deberia tener un valor adicional
- que sea el valor que toma.
+ Register an argument name in our application
+ @param argumentExpression Argument name, or comma-separated set with both short and long argument names. For example 'v,version', 'h,help', or simply 'f' or 'file'. If both,
+ provided, one of them shall be a single letter and the other will be a word. In other case, nothing will be registered. Command line arguments stands for -<single letter option>
+ and --<word option> when proceed. If NULL provided, nothing is done.
+ @param type Argument type. See Variable#Type.
+ @param comment Argument explanation.
+ @param needValue If our argument has an additional associated value, this will be true. False in other case (flags).
- void add(const char* argumentName, Argument::Type type, const char* comment, const bool needValue = true) throw();
+ void add(const char* argumentExpression, Argument::Type type, const char* comment, const bool needValue = true) throw();
Obtiene el valor asociado al argumento recibido como parametro.
Si el argumento es obligatorio y no este en la linea de comandos o
no tiene valor asociado la ejecucion del programa TERMINA inmediatamente.
- @param argumentName Nombre del argumento del que deseamos obtener el valor.
+ @param argumentExpression You should look for the registered expression (#add), internally tokenized if needed.
@param exitOnFault Indica el funcionamiento del metodo en caso de que el
argumento solicitado no halla sido indicado. Si el parametro no existe
si vale @em true la aplicacion terminara, si vale @em false devolvera NULL.
@return Valor asociadoal argumento recibido como parametro. Puede ser NULL.
- const char* getValue(const char* argumentName, const bool exitOnFault = true) throw();
+ const char* getValue(const char* argumentExpression, const bool exitOnFault = true) throw();
Obtiene el valor asociado al argumento recibido, pero convirtiendo a
numero el valor obtenido por #getValue.
- @param argumentName Nombre del argumento del que deseamos obtener el valor.
+ @param argumentExpression You should look for the registered expression (#add), internally tokenized if needed.
@return Valor numerico del valor devuelto por #getValue.
- int getIntegerValue(const char* argumentName) throw() { return atoi(getValue(argumentName)); }
+ int getIntegerValue(const char* argumentExpression) throw() { return atoi(getValue(argumentExpression)); }
Comprueba si el argumento recibido como parametro estña presente en la linea de
- @param argumentName Nombre del argumento del que deseamos obtener el valor.
+ @param argumentExpression You should look for the registered expression (#add), internally tokenized if needed.
@return true si el argumento esta en la linea de comandos y false en otro caso.
- bool exists(const char* argumentName) throw() { return (getValue(argumentName, false) != NULL) ? true : false; }
+ bool exists(const char* argumentExpression) throw() { return (getValue(argumentExpression, false) != NULL) ? true : false; }
Comprueba la linea de comandos del programa para verificar que coincide con los argumentos
class Variable {
- // Constructores
- Variable(const char* name, const Argument::Type type, const char* comment, const bool needValue = true) :
- a_name(name), a_type(type), a_comment(comment), a_needValue(needValue),
- a_isOn(false), a_value(NULL) {
+ // Constructors
+ Variable(const std::string &name1, const std::string &name2, const Argument::Type type, const char* comment, const bool needValue = true) :
+ a_name1(name1), a_name2(name2), a_type(type), a_comment(comment), a_needValue(needValue), a_isOn(false), a_value(NULL) {
virtual ~Variable() { if(a_value) free(a_value); }
// Accesores
- const std::string& getName() const throw() { return a_name; }
+ const std::string& getName1() const throw() { return a_name1; }
+ const std::string& getName2() const throw() { return a_name2; }
+ std::string getHelpExpression() const throw();
const char* getValue() const throw() { return a_value; }
const char* getComment() const throw() { return a_comment; }
bool getNeedValue() const throw() { return a_needValue; }
std::string asString() const throw();
- std::string a_name;
+ std::string a_name1, a_name2;
const char* a_comment;
char* a_value;
Argument::Type a_type;
CommandLine() : a_argv(NULL), a_argc(0) {;}
bool analize() throw();
- const Variable* search(const char *argumentName) const throw();
+ const Variable* search(const char *argumentExpression) const throw();
void printUsage() const throw();
friend class Singleton <CommandLine>;
#include <anna/xml/xml.hpp>
#include <anna/core/util/CommandLine.hpp>
+#include <anna/core/util/Tokenizer.hpp>
using namespace std;
using namespace anna;
-// Notifica al Parser que la opcion 'argumentName' es soportada
+// Notifica al Parser que la opcion 'argumentExpression' es soportada
// (1) Verifica que la opcion no haya sido registrada previamente.
-void CommandLine::add(const char* argumentName, Argument::Type type, const char* comment, const bool needValue)
+void CommandLine::add(const char* argumentExpression, Argument::Type type, const char* comment, const bool needValue)
throw() {
Guard guard(a_mutex, "CommandLine::add");
- if(search(argumentName) == NULL)
- a_arguments.push_back(new Variable(argumentName, type, comment, needValue));
+ std::string arg1 = "", arg2 = "";
+ if (!argumentExpression) { std::cerr << "Invalid argument expression: cannot register NULL literal on command-line" << std::endl; return; }
+ anna::Tokenizer expression;
+ expression.apply (argumentExpression, ",");
+ if (expression.size() > 2) { std::cerr << "Invalid argument expression '" << argumentExpression << "': only '<letter>[,<word>]' or '<word>[,<letter>]' are supported for command-line registration" << std::endl; return; }
+ anna::Tokenizer::const_iterator tok_it = expression.begin();
+ arg1 = anna::Tokenizer::data(tok_it);
+ // No leading hyphens in the name:
+ if (arg1[0] == '-') { std::cerr << "Invalid argument expression '" << argumentExpression << "': no leading hyphens allowed in argument names for command-line registration" << std::endl; return; }
+ tok_it++;
+ if (tok_it != expression.end()) {
+ arg2 = anna::Tokenizer::data(tok_it);
+ // No hyphens in the name:
+ if (arg2[0] == '-') { std::cerr << "Invalid argument expression '" << argumentExpression << "': no leading hyphens allowed in argument names for command-line registration" << std::endl; return; }
+ }
+ // swap to have first non empty:
+ if (arg1 == "") { arg1 = arg2; arg2 = ""; }
+ // If both provided, one will be single letter and the other, a word:
+ if (arg2 != "") {
+ int s1 = arg1.size();
+ int s2 = arg2.size();
+ if ((s1 + s2) == 2) { std::cerr << "Invalid argument expression '" << argumentExpression << "': only '<letter>[,<word>]' or '<word>[,<letter>]' are supported for command-line registration (provided two letters !)" << std::endl; return; }
+ if ((s1 != 1) && (s2 != 1)) { std::cerr << "Invalid argument expression '" << argumentExpression << "': only '<letter>[,<word>]' or '<word>[,<letter>]' are supported for command-line registration (provided two words !)" << std::endl; return; }
+ }
+ // assign:
+ a_arguments.push_back(new Variable(arg1, arg2, type, comment, needValue));
-// Verifica que todos los argumentNameos declarados como obligatorios estan en la
+// Verifica que todos los argumentos declarados como obligatorios estan en la
// linea de comandos.
void CommandLine::verify()
for(int i = 0, maxi = a_arguments.size(); i < maxi; i ++) {
if(a_arguments [i]->getType() == Argument::Mandatory)
- getValue(a_arguments [i]->getName().c_str()); // JEDS 24/09/2003
+ getValue(a_arguments [i]->getName1().c_str()); // exit program if not found (exitOnFault = true by default)
-// Obtiene el valor para opcion 'argumentName'.
+// Obtiene el valor para opcion 'argumentExpression'.
// (1) Realiza el analisis de la linea de comandos.
// (2) Verifica que la opcion recibida existe en la lista de opciones registradas.
-// (3) Si la opcion 'argumentName' existe en la linea de comandos ...
-// (3.1) Si el argumentNameo debe ir seguido por un valor/valores y no existe
+// (3) Si la opcion 'argumentExpression' existe en la linea de comandos ...
+// (3.1) Si el argumentExpression debe ir seguido por un valor/valores y no existe
// ninguno => error.
-// (3.2) Si el argumentNameo no necesita valor, simplemente, le asigna una cadena
+// (3.2) Si el argumentExpression no necesita valor, simplemente, le asigna una cadena
// que contiene 'true', en otro caso devolvera NULL.
-// (4) Si no existe en la linea de comandos y es un argumentNameo obligatorio => error.
+// (4) Si no existe en la linea de comandos y es un argumentExpression obligatorio => error.
// Si el arguemento solicitado no esta en la LC y es opcional devolvera NULL.
-const char* CommandLine::getValue(const char* argumentName, const bool exitOnFault)
+const char* CommandLine::getValue(const char* argumentExpression, const bool exitOnFault)
throw() {
const char* result = NULL;
const Variable* argument = NULL;
bool analized;
if((analized = analize()) == true) { // (1)
- if((argument = search(argumentName)) != NULL) { // (2)
+ if((argument = search(argumentExpression)) != NULL) { // (2)
error = false;
result = argument->getValue();
} else if(error == true && exitOnFault == true) {
- cout << "Variable: '" << argumentName << "' is not valid" << endl << endl;
+ cout << "Variable: '" << argumentExpression << "' is not valid" << endl << endl;
return result;
+// Auxiliary function:
+// Returns first no-leading hyphen position
+int removeLeadingHyphens(std::string &argv) throw() {
+ int startPos = -1;
+ // Move until no hyphen:
+ for (int i=0; i < argv.size(); i++)
+ if (argv[i] != '-') { startPos = i; argv = argv.substr(i); break; }
+ // No word found:
+ if (startPos == -1) return -1;
+ // one hyphen:
+ if (startPos == 1)
+ if (argv.size() != 1) return -1;
+ // two hyphens:
+ if (startPos == 2)
+ if (argv.size() == 1) return -1;
+ // more than two !
+ if (startPos > 2) return -1;
+ return startPos;
-// Analiza la linea de comandos para completar la informacion de los argumentNameos.
-// (1) Comprueba que el analisis no se ha completado con existo previamente.
-// (2) El primer argumentNameo despues del nombre del ejecutable debe comenzar por
-// el caracter de indicador de argumentNameo.
-// (3) Comprueba si el argumentNameo de la LC esta registrado como posible argumentNameo.
-// (4) Recoge todo lo que haya entre el argumentNameo actual y el siguiente argumentNameo
-// (si lo hay) y todo esto lo asigna como valor del argumentNameo actual.
-// (5) Quita el ltimo car�ter
+// Analize command line to store the arguments
bool CommandLine::analize()
throw() {
- Variable* argument;
+ Variable* variable;
bool result = true;
int i = 1;
string aux;
- if(a_wasParsed == true)
+ if(a_wasParsed == true) // already analyzed
return true;
- Guard guard(a_mutex, "CommandLine::analize");
+ Guard guard(a_mutex, "CommandLine::analyze");
if(a_wasParsed == true)
return true;
+ // Control state:
while(i < a_argc && result == true) {
- if(i == 1 && a_argv [1][0] != TOKENINDICATOR) { // (2)
+ aux = a_argv[i];
+ if (::removeLeadingHyphens(aux) == -1) {
result = false;
- if((argument = const_cast <Variable*>(search(a_argv [i]))) != NULL) { // (3)
- aux = "";
- argument->setIsOn(true);
- // @Eduardo (allow dashes on values)
-// while (++ i < a_argc && a_argv [i][0] != TOKENINDICATOR) { // (4)
-// aux += a_argv [i];
-// aux += " ";
-// }
- bool notArgument = true;
- while(notArgument && (++ i < a_argc)) { // (4)
- if(a_argv [i][0] == TOKENINDICATOR)
- notArgument = (search(a_argv[i]) == NULL);
- if(notArgument) {
- aux += a_argv [i];
- aux += " ";
- }
+ if((variable = const_cast <Variable*>(search(aux.c_str()))) != NULL) {
+ variable->setIsOn(true);
+ if (variable->getNeedValue()) {
+ i++;
+ if (i < a_argc) { variable->setValue(a_argv[i]); }
+ else { result = false ; break; }
- if(aux.length() > 0) {
- aux.erase(aux.length() - 1, 1); // 5)
- argument->setValue(aux.c_str()); // JEDS 24/09/2003
- }
- } else {
- cout << "Variable: " << a_argv [i] << " unreconized" << endl;
+ }
+ else {
+ cout << "Variable: " << aux << " unreconized" << endl;
result = false;
+ break;
- }
+ i++;
+ } // while
return (a_wasParsed = result);
-const CommandLine::Variable* CommandLine::search(const char *argumentName) const
+const CommandLine::Variable* CommandLine::search(const char *argumentExpression) const
throw() {
- const Variable* result = NULL;
- vector <Variable*>::const_iterator ii, maxii;
+ if (!argumentExpression) return NULL;
+ std::string name1, name2, arg;
+ vector <Variable*>::const_iterator arg_min(a_arguments.begin()), arg_max(a_arguments.end()), arg_it;
+ // Tokenize:
+ anna::Tokenizer expression;
+ expression.apply (argumentExpression, ",");
+ if (expression.size() > 2) return NULL;
+ anna::Tokenizer::const_iterator tok_it;
+ for (tok_it = expression.begin(); tok_it != expression.end(); tok_it++) { // one or two
+ arg = anna::Tokenizer::data(tok_it);
+ for(arg_it = arg_min; arg_it != arg_max; arg_it++) {
+ name1 = (*arg_it)->getName1();
+ name2 = (*arg_it)->getName2();
+ if ((name1 != "") && (name1 == arg)) return *arg_it;
+ if ((name2 != "") && (name2 == arg)) return *arg_it;
+ }
+ }
- if(*argumentName == TOKENINDICATOR) argumentName ++;
+ return NULL;
- for(ii = a_arguments.begin(), maxii = a_arguments.end(); ii != maxii; ii ++) {
- if(anna_strcmp((*ii)->getName().c_str(), argumentName) == 0) {
- result = *ii;
- break;
+string CommandLine::Variable::getHelpExpression() const
+throw() {
+ std::string long_name, short_name, result = "";
+ int s1 = a_name1.size();
+ int s2 = a_name2.size();
+ if ((s1 + s2) > 2) { // both provided
+ if (s1 > 1) { short_name = a_name2; long_name = a_name1; }
+ else { short_name = a_name1; long_name = a_name2; }
+ if (short_name != "") {
+ result += "-";
+ result += short_name;
+ result += "|";
+ }
+ if (long_name != "") {
+ result += "--";
+ result += long_name;
+ else {
+ result = "-";
+ if (s1 > 1) result = "-";
+ result += a_name1;
+ }
return result;
cout << endl << "Where: " << endl;
for(i = 0; i < maxi; i ++) {
- cout << " " << a_arguments [i]->getName() << ": " << endl;
+ cout << " " << a_arguments [i]->getHelpExpression() << ": " << endl;
cout << " " << a_arguments [i]->getComment() << endl;
string CommandLine::Variable::asString() const
throw() {
string result;
result = ((a_type == Argument::Optional) ? "[ " : "");
- result += a_name;
- if(a_needValue == true) {
- result += " <value_";
- result += a_name;
- result += ">";
- }
- if(a_type == Argument::Optional)
- result += " ]";
+ result += getHelpExpression();
+ if(a_needValue == true) result += " <value>"; // result += " <value_"; result += a_name; result += ">";
+ if(a_type == Argument::Optional) result += " ]";
return result;
string CommandLine::asString() const
throw() {
string result = "Provided command-line parameters:\n\n";
value = (*ii)->getValue();
if(value) {
- result += (*ii)->getName();
+ result += (*ii)->getHelpExpression();
result += ": ";
result += value;
result += "\n";
value = (*ii)->getValue();
- result->createAttribute((*ii)->getName().c_str(), value);
+ result->createAttribute((*ii)->getHelpExpression().c_str(), value);
return result;