result += "\n Test cases reports are not dumped on process context (too many information in general).";
result += "\n The report contains context information in every moment: this operation acts as a snapshot.";
result += "\n";
- result += "\n test|report|<failed/success>[|[yes]|no]";
- result += "\n";
- result += "\n Every time a test case is finished, its xml representation will be dump on a file under";
- result += "\n the execution directory (or the one configured in process command-line 'tmDir') with";
- result += "\n the name 'cycle-<cycle id>.testcase-<test case id>.xml'. The third parameter represents";
- result += "\n the test result condition to dump the information. By default, neither failed nor successful";
- result += "\n test cases are written to avoid IO overload (in most of cases not all the tests are going to";
- result += "\n fail and you could enable only such dumps, but you can enable both types if you want).";
- result += "\n Better, you can use the 'look' operation to see the desired report(s) and its result state,";
- result += "\n in case that you miss the xml files or you disabled all the dumps during testing.";
- result += "\n";
- result += "\n test|report-hex[|[yes]|no] Reports could include the diameter messages in hexadecimal format. Disabled by default.";
- result += "\n";
result += "\n test|interact|amount|id Makes interactive a specific test case id. The amount is the margin of execution steps";
result += "\n to be done. Normally, we will execute 'test|interact|0|<test case id>', which means that";
result += "\n the test case is selected to be interactive, but no step is executed. Then you have to";
result += "\n";
result += "\n test|summary Test manager general report (number of test cases, counts by state, global configuration,";
result += "\n forced in-progress limitation, reports visibility, etc.). Be careful when you have reports";
- result += "\n enabled because the programmed test cases dumps could be heavy (try to disable both failed";
- result += "\n and successful dumps).";
+ result += "\n enabled because the programmed test cases dumps could be heavy (anyway you could enable the";
+ result += "\n dumps separately, for any of the possible states: Initialized, InProgress, Failed, Success).";
+ result += "\n";
+ result += "\n test|report|<initialized/in-progress/failed/success/all>[|[yes]|no]";
+ result += "\n";
+ result += "\n Enables/disables report generation for a certain test case state: initialized, in-progress,";
+ result += "\n failed or success. This applies to report summary (former described operation) and automatic";
+ result += "\n dumps during testing where only failed or success states will appear: every time a test case";
+ result += "\n is finished its xml representation will be dump on a file under the execution directory (or";
+ result += "\n the one configured in process command-line 'tmDir') with the name:";
+ result += "\n";
+ result += "\n 'cycle-<cycle id>.testcase-<test case id>.xml'.";
+ result += "\n";
+ result += "\n By default, all the states are disabled to avoid IO overload. In most of cases not all the";
+ result += "\n tests are going to fail and you could enable only such failed dumps, but you can enable all";
+ result += "\n the types if you want (use reserved word 'all' for this).";
+ result += "\n";
+ result += "\n test|report-hex[|[yes]|no] Reports could include the diameter messages in hexadecimal format. Disabled by default.";
result += "\n";
result += "\n";
// test|next[|<sync-amount>] Forces the execution of the next test case(s) without waiting for test manager tick ...
// test|ip-limit[|amount] In-progress limit of test cases. No new test cases will be launched over this value ...
// test|repeats|<amount> Restarts the whole programmed test list when finished the amount number of times ...
- // test|report|<failed/success>[|[yes]|no] Every time a test case is finished a report file in xml format will be created under ...
+ // test|report|<initialized/in-progress/failed/success/all>[|[yes]|no]
+ // Enables/disables report generation for a certain test case state: initialized, in-progress ...
// test|report-hex[|[yes]|no] Reports could include the diameter messages in hexadecimal format. Disabled by default.
// test|goto|<id> Updates current test pointer position.
// test|look[|id] Show programmed test case for id provided, current when missing ...
if (numParams > 3)
throw anna::RuntimeException("Wrong body content format on HTTP Request. Use 'help' management command to see more information.", ANNA_FILE_LOCATION);
- if(param2 != "failed" && param2 != "success")
+ if(param2 != "initialized" && param2 != "in-progress" && param2 != "failed" && param2 != "success" && param2 != "all")
throw anna::RuntimeException("Wrong body content format on HTTP Request. Use 'help' management command to see more information.", ANNA_FILE_LOCATION);
if(param3 == "") param3 = "yes";
bool enable = (param3 == "yes");
- if(param2 == "success")
- testManager.setDumpSuccessfulReports(enable);
- else
+ if(param2 == "initialized")
+ testManager.setDumpInitializedReports(enable);
+ else if(param2 == "in-progress")
+ testManager.setDumpInProgressReports(enable);
+ else if(param2 == "failed")
+ else if(param2 == "success")
+ testManager.setDumpSuccessReports(enable);
+ else // all
+ testManager.setDumpAllReports(enable);
opt_response_content += (enable ? "report enabled " : "report disabled ");
opt_response_content += "for tests in '";
_exit (){
- echo $1
+ echo -e $1
+ # Background jobs:
+ kill -9 $(jobs -p)
# Cleanup:
echo " ADML directory: path to the ADML directory where '' script is used to load the test cases."
echo " testcase variable file: path to the testcase file with parseable variables, for example '<directory>/testcase.txt.msk'."
echo " xml files within this test case, must exist with aditional .msk extension in the same directory."
+ echo
echo " Currently, 9 variables are supported to be replaced:"
- echo " __TESTID__ : sequence number. For example if you provide 1 to 20 for this script, it will be 1 .. 20"
- echo " __SEQ8__ : 8-digit number corresponding to the sequence number (00000001 for 1, and so on)"
- echo " __MSISDN9__: 9-digit msisdn"
- echo " __IPV4HEX__: hexadecimal IPv4 address, for example: 00000001"
- echo " __IPV4__ : IPv4 address, for example:"
- echo " __SGX1_SUFFIX__: 1<8-digit sequence>"
- echo " __SRX1_SUFFIX__: \""
- echo " __SGX2_SUFFIX__: 2<8-digit sequence>"
- echo " __SRX2_SUFFIX__: \""
+ echo
+ echo " * __TESTID__ : sequence number. For example if you provide 1 to 20 for this script, it will be 1 .. 20"
+ echo " * __SEQ8__ : 8-digit number corresponding to the sequence number (00000001 for 1, and so on)"
+ echo " * __IPV4HEX__: hexadecimal IPv4 address, for example: 00000001"
+ echo " * __IPV4__ : IPv4 address, for example:"
+ echo
echo " Edit the variables section to add more special values if you need them."
echo " initial sequence: initial sequence number to parse over variables."
################################ EDIT THIS SECTION IF YOU NEED NEW SPECIAL VARIABLES ################################
seq8=$(printf "%08d" $testid)
- msisdn9=6${seq8}
#ipv4=$(for i in $(echo $seq8 | sed 's/\(..\)/0x\1 /g'); do printf "%d." $i; done | sed 's/\.$/\n/')
# Numbers beginning with "0" are treated as octal (i.e. base-8): we would have 'invalid octal number with 08 and 09'
# Solution: convert to base-10 in this way: $((10#$i))
ipv4=$(for i in $(echo $seq8 | sed 's/\(..\)/ \1 /g'); do printf "%d." $((10#$i)); done | sed 's/\.$/\n/')
- # Sessions
- sgx1_suffix=1$seq8
- srx1_suffix=1$seq8
- sgx2_suffix=2$seq8
- srx2_suffix=2$seq8
local target=$wkdir/values.${1}
echo "__TESTID__=$testid" > $target
echo "__SEQ8__=$seq8" >> $target
- echo "__MSISDN9__=$msisdn9" >> $target
echo "__IPV4HEX__=$ipv4hex" >> $target
echo "__IPV4__=$ipv4" >> $target
- echo "__SGX1_SUFFIX__=$sgx1_suffix" >> $target
- echo "__SRX1_SUFFIX__=$srx1_suffix" >> $target
- echo "__SGX2_SUFFIX__=$sgx2_suffix" >> $target
- echo "__SRX2_SUFFIX__=$srx2_suffix" >> $target
source $target
#rm $target
######################################### END SPECIAL VARIABLES SECTION #########################################
#bn_dn_r_file=`basename $dn_r_file`
#echo "Programming group $bn_dn_r_file ..."
$OPERATION -f $r_file >/dev/null
+ res=$?
#$OPERATION -f $r_file > $dn_r_file/result.txt
+ [ $res -ne 0 ] && _exit "Exception detected programming a testcase:\n\n`cat $r_file`"
rm -rf $dn_r_file &
# Detect EOF and print all except that last line:
while [ -z "$(tail -1 sigusr2.out | grep ^EOF)" ]; do sleep 0.1; done
-head --lines=-1 `pwd`/sigusr2.out
+head --lines=-1 sigusr2.out
+exception=$(grep exception sigusr2.out)
+[ $? -eq 0 ] && _exit "(detected 'exception' within operation output)"
+exit 0
if (isFinished()) {
if ((getState() == State::Failed) && (!testManager.getDumpFailedReports())) return;
- if ((getState() == State::Success) && (!testManager.getDumpSuccessfulReports())) return;
+ if ((getState() == State::Success) && (!testManager.getDumpSuccessReports())) return;
// report file name: cycle-<cycle id>.testcase-<test case id>.xml
// FORMAT: We tabulate the cycle and test case in order to ease ordering of files by mean ls:
anna::timex::TimeEventObserver("TestManager") {
a_timeController = NULL;
a_reportsDirectory = "./";
- a_dumpSuccessfulReports = false;
+ a_dumpInProgressReports = false;
+ a_dumpInitializedReports = false;
a_dumpFailedReports = false;
+ a_dumpSuccessReports = false;
a_dumpHexMessages = false;
a_synchronousAmount = 1;
a_poolRepeats = 0; // repeat disabled by default
result->createAttribute("InProgressLimit", "<no limit>");
result->createAttribute("InProgressLimit", a_inProgressLimit);
- result->createAttribute("DumpSuccessfulReports", (a_dumpSuccessfulReports ? "yes":"no"));
+ result->createAttribute("DumpInitializedReports", (a_dumpInitializedReports ? "yes":"no"));
+ result->createAttribute("DumpInProgressReports", (a_dumpInProgressReports ? "yes":"no"));
result->createAttribute("DumpFailedReports", (a_dumpFailedReports ? "yes":"no"));
+ result->createAttribute("DumpSuccessReports", (a_dumpSuccessReports ? "yes":"no"));
result->createAttribute("DumpHexMessages", (a_dumpHexMessages ? "yes":"no"));
result->createAttribute("ReportsDirectory", a_reportsDirectory);
if (a_clock) {
if (poolSize != 0) {
anna::xml::Node* testCases = result->createChild("TestCases");
for (test_pool_it it = a_testPool.begin(); it != a_testPool.end(); it++) {
- if (((*it).second->getState() == TestCase::State::Success) && (!getDumpSuccessfulReports())) continue;
+ if (((*it).second->getState() == TestCase::State::Initialized) && (!getDumpInitializedReports())) continue;
+ if (((*it).second->getState() == TestCase::State::InProgress) && (!getDumpInProgressReports())) continue;
if (((*it).second->getState() == TestCase::State::Failed) && (!getDumpFailedReports())) continue;
+ if (((*it).second->getState() == TestCase::State::Success) && (!getDumpSuccessReports())) continue;
// reports
std::string a_reportsDirectory;
- bool a_dumpSuccessfulReports, a_dumpFailedReports;
+ bool a_dumpInitializedReports, a_dumpInProgressReports, a_dumpFailedReports, a_dumpSuccessReports;
bool a_dumpHexMessages;
// Pool of test cases
void setDumpHex(bool dh) throw() { a_dumpHexMessages = dh; }
bool getDumpHex() const throw() { return a_dumpHexMessages; }
- void setDumpSuccessfulReports(bool dsr) throw() { a_dumpSuccessfulReports = dsr; }
- void setDumpFailedReports(bool dfr) throw() { a_dumpFailedReports = dfr; }
- bool getDumpSuccessfulReports() const throw() { return a_dumpSuccessfulReports; }
+ void setDumpInitializedReports(bool enable) throw() { a_dumpInitializedReports = enable; }
+ void setDumpInProgressReports(bool enable) throw() { a_dumpInProgressReports = enable; }
+ void setDumpFailedReports(bool enable) throw() { a_dumpFailedReports = enable; }
+ void setDumpSuccessReports(bool enable) throw() { a_dumpSuccessReports = enable; }
+ void setDumpAllReports(bool enable) throw() {
+ setDumpInitializedReports(enable);
+ setDumpInProgressReports(enable);
+ setDumpFailedReports(enable);
+ setDumpSuccessReports(enable);
+ }
+ bool getDumpInitializedReports() const throw() { return a_dumpInitializedReports; }
+ bool getDumpInProgressReports() const throw() { return a_dumpInProgressReports; }
bool getDumpFailedReports() const throw() { return a_dumpFailedReports; }
+ bool getDumpSuccessReports() const throw() { return a_dumpSuccessReports; }
// Helper to calculate time interval and synchronous amount of execution tests to guarantee the input rate (tests per second)
// through the time manager which has a minimum resolution of ADML minimum resolution. The first call to this method will