[pytest] addopts = -v --junitxml=/tmp/junit.xml -n 0 -m "not dynamic" log_format=%(asctime)s|%(name)s|%(filename)s:%(lineno)d|%(levelname)s|%(message)s log_date_format = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S log_level=INFO # --log-level=DEBUG in addopts (warning by default) # JUNIT # --capture tee-sys: captures to terminal but keeping them in junit # -s: capture=no (shortcut for debugging, but junit will miss the info) junit_suite_name = "ADML REST API" junit_logging = out-err junit_family = xunit1 # Naming conventions #python_files = check_*.py #python_classes = Check #python_functions = *_check # Markers markers = dynamic: this test requires ADML dynamic test library enabled (/opt/adml/dynlibs)