ABOUT CONTENT ------------- Template for xml messages (message.dtd) and dictionaries (dictionary.dtd) are informative, not actually required by process. They are located at './DTDs'. Stacks are available at './stacks'. There are also some stuff (hex/xml examples, etc.) which could be useful. The directory 'tests' contains resources to create FT test cases. The script 'common.sh' implement a basic scheduler to launch a request to the server, waits for incoming activity, retrieve the answer received and match such message with certain criteria. Execute 'case_1.sh' as example. An advanced FT test framework involves the use of the ANNA::diameter API in an ad-hoc diameter client executable (for example we could define an incoming handler in different libraries which represent different test cases, linking them to a common simple diameter client agent). But with this simple scripts we could do something valid to start with. STARTING THE PROCESS -------------------- Launch the executable process without arguments to see a complete command-line help. Don't be scared. There are plenty of possibilities but the 'run.sh' script has been prepared for the type of launcher you wanted. OPERATION --------- Management interface for this version is based on SIGUSR2 signal caugh. Use './operation.sh' script to send any operation to the process. Ask for help with that script to see all the operations supported.