2 # Anna Agents-Oriented Testing Setup Loader
4 # Requires PyYAML: pip install pyyaml
6 import os, sys, datetime
7 from argparse import ArgumentParser
10 from yaml import load, dump
12 from yaml import CLoader as Loader, CDumper as Dumper
14 from yaml import Loader, Dumper
17 def _exit(message = None, rc=0):
18 if (message): printMsg(message)
19 printMsg("Exiting [rc={}]".format(rc))
24 return '%b.%d.%Y-%H.%M.%S'
27 def printMsg(message):
28 print ("[{}] {}".format(datetime.datetime.now().strftime(timeFormat()), message))
31 class YamlConfigParser():
35 def __init__(self, yaml_config_file):
37 Convert the yaml file into a Python object
41 with open(yaml_config_file, 'r') as ss:
42 self.data = load(ss, Loader=Loader)
51 def show(self, options):
52 output = dump(self.data, Dumper=Dumper)
56 def writeFileContent(filename, content):
57 _file = open(filename, "w")
62 def getNodeValue(dictionary, key):
64 value = dictionary[key]
65 printMsg(" {}: {}".format(key, value))
69 def configure_agent_adml(node, description, application_id, dictionary, _type, origin_host, origin_realm, address):
71 # Agent ADML configuration is basically generation of services:
73 if (_type == "client"):
74 stacks=''' <stack id="{application_id}" dictionary="{dictionary}" fixMode="Always" ignoreFlagsOnValidation="yes"/>'''.format(application_id=application_id, dictionary=dictionary)
76 nodes=''' <node originHost="{origin_host}" applicationId="{application_id}" entity="{address}" cer="cer.{application_id}.xml" answersTimeout="300000" dumpLog="yes"/>'''.format(application_id=application_id, dictionary=dictionary, origin_host=origin_host, address=address)
78 ce_path = agents_ADML_dir + "/cer.{}.xml".format(application_id)
79 ce_content='''<message version="1" name="CER" application-id="0">
80 <avp name="Origin-Host" data="{origin_host}"/>
81 <avp name="Origin-Realm" data="{origin_realm}"/>
82 <avp name="Host-IP-Address" data="1|"/>
83 <avp name="Vendor-Id" data="10415"/>
84 <avp name="Product-Name" data="{description}"/>
85 <avp name="Auth-Application-Id" data="{application_id}"/>
86 </message>'''.format(application_id=application_id, origin_host=origin_host, origin_realm=origin_realm, description=description)
88 elif (_type == "server"):
89 stacks=''' <stack id="{application_id}" dictionary="{dictionary}" fixMode="Never"/>'''.format(application_id=application_id, dictionary=dictionary)
91 nodes=''' <node originHost="{origin_host}" applicationId="{application_id}" diameterServer="{address}" diameterServerSessions="10" cea="cea.{application_id}.xml" answersTimeout="300000" dumpLog="yes"/>'''.format(application_id=application_id, dictionary=dictionary, origin_host=origin_host, address=address)
93 ce_path = agents_ADML_dir + "/cea.{}.xml".format(application_id)
94 ce_content='''<message version="1" name="CEA" application-id="0">
95 <avp name="Result-Code" data="2001" alias="DIAMETER_SUCCESS"/>
96 <avp name="Origin-Host" data="{origin_host}"/>
97 <avp name="Origin-Realm" data="{origin_realm}"/>
98 <avp name="Host-IP-Address" data="1|"/>
99 <avp name="Vendor-Id" data="10415"/>
100 <avp name="Product-Name" data="{description}"/>
101 </message>'''.format(origin_host=origin_host, origin_realm=origin_realm, description=description)
104 raise Exception("Invalid ADML type '{}' (allowed: client|server)".format(_type))
106 # Create cer/cea files:
107 writeFileContent(ce_path, ce_content)
113 def configure_agent_kafka(node, description, topic):
116 content = '''#!/bin/bash
117 # Positional arguments: json, delay, debug indicator
118 [ -z "$3" ] && echo "Usage: $0 <json file> <delay in milliseconds: 0 is no delay> <debug indicator: yes|no>" && exit 1
122 [ "$2" != "0" ] && delay="-w $2"
124 [ "$3" = "yes" ] && debug="-d"
126 echo "[{description}] Kafka Producer Step"
128 python3 Producer.py -n {node} -t {topic} -f $json $delay $debug 2>&1 | tee -a {node}-producer.sh.output
129 exit ${{PIPESTATUS[0]}}
130 '''.format(description=description, node=node, topic=topic)
132 path = agents_KAFKA_dir + "/{}-producer.sh".format(node)
133 writeFileContent(path, content)
134 os.chmod(path, 0o755)
135 #printMsg("Created procedure '{}'".format(path))
138 content = '''#!/bin/bash
139 # Positional arguments: json, offset, timeout, debug indicator
140 [ -z "$4" ] && echo "Usage: $0 <json file ('any' to skip matching)> <auto offset reset> <timeout in seconds: 0 is no timeout> <debug indicator: yes|no>" && exit 1
143 [ "$1" != "any" ] && file="-f $1"
146 [ "$3" != "0" ] && timeout="-w $3"
148 [ "$4" = "yes" ] && debug="-d"
150 echo "[{description}] Kafka Consumer Step"
152 python3 Consumer.py -n {node} -t {topic} $file -o "$offset" $timeout $debug 2>&1 | tee -a {node}-consumer.sh.output
153 exit ${{PIPESTATUS[0]}}
154 '''.format(description=description, node=node, topic=topic)
156 # We don't use -m (match as regular expression) because some problems have been detected with big json files.
158 path = agents_KAFKA_dir + "/{}-consumer.sh".format(node)
159 writeFileContent(path, content)
160 os.chmod(path, 0o755)
161 #printMsg("Created procedure '{}'".format(path))
164 content = '''#!/bin/bash
165 # Positional arguments: operation, debug indicator
166 [ -z "$2" ] && echo "Usage: $0 <operation: clean_topic (at the moment)> <debug indicator: yes|no>" && exit 1
174 [ "$2" = "yes" ] && debug="-d"
176 echo "[{description}] Kafka Administration Step"
178 python3 Admin.py -n {node} -t {topic} $operation $debug 2>&1 | tee -a {node}-admin.sh.output
179 exit ${{PIPESTATUS[0]}}
180 '''.format(description=description, node=node, topic=topic)
182 path = agents_KAFKA_dir + "/{}-admin.sh".format(node)
183 writeFileContent(path, content)
184 os.chmod(path, 0o755)
185 #printMsg("Created procedure '{}'".format(path))
188 def configure_agent_kafkacpp(node, description, topic):
191 content = '''#!/bin/bash
192 # Positional arguments: json, offset, timeout, debug indicator
193 [ -z "$4" ] && echo "Usage: $0 <json file ('any' to skip matching)> <auto offset reset> <timeout in seconds: 0 is no timeout> <debug indicator: yes|no>" && exit 1
196 [ "$1" != "any" ] && file="-f $1"
199 [ "$3" != "0" ] && timeout="-w $3"
201 [ "$4" = "yes" ] && debug="-d"
203 echo "[{description}] Kafkacpp Consumer Step"
205 sh Consumer -n {node} -t {topic} $file -o "$offset" $timeout $debug 2>&1 | tee -a {node}-consumer.sh.output
206 exit ${{PIPESTATUS[0]}}
207 '''.format(description=description, node=node, topic=topic)
209 # We don't use -m (match as regular expression) because some problems have been detected with big json files.
211 path = agents_KAFKACPP_dir + "/{}-consumer.sh".format(node)
212 writeFileContent(path, content)
213 os.chmod(path, 0o755)
214 #printMsg("Created procedure '{}'".format(path))
217 def configure_agent_httpmock(node, description, address):
219 # Provisioning script:
220 content = '''#!/bin/bash
221 # Positional arguments: json, method, uri
222 [ -z "$3" ] && echo "Usage: $0 <test id> <step id> <test path> <json file> <method: POST|PUT|GET|DELETE> <uri>" && exit 1
224 echo "[{description}] Http Mock Provision Step"
226 sh Provision.sh $1 $2 $3 "{address}" "$4" "$5" "$6" 2>&1 | tee -a {node}-provision.sh.output
227 exit ${{PIPESTATUS[0]}}
228 '''.format(description=description, node=node, address=address)
230 path = agents_HTTPMOCK_dir + "/{}-provision.sh".format(node)
231 writeFileContent(path, content)
232 os.chmod(path, 0o755)
233 #printMsg("Created procedure '{}'".format(path))
236 def configure_agents(agents):
243 if (node == "ADML"): raise Exception('Invalid node id: "ADML" is reserved')
244 if (node == "KAFKA"): raise Exception('Invalid node id: "KAFKA" is reserved')
245 if (node == "KAFKACPP"): raise Exception('Invalid node id: "KAFKACPP" is reserved')
246 if (node == "HTTPMOCK"): raise Exception('Invalid node id: "HTTPMOCK" is reserved')
248 printMsg("Node: {}".format(node))
250 description = getNodeValue(agents[node], "description")
251 template = getNodeValue(agents[node], "template")
253 if (template == "ADML"):
255 path = agents_ADML_dir + "/{}.node".format(node)
256 writeFileContent(path, description)
258 application_id = getNodeValue(agents[node], "application_id")
259 dictionary = getNodeValue(agents[node], "dictionary")
260 _type = getNodeValue(agents[node], "type")
261 origin_host = getNodeValue(agents[node], "origin_host")
262 origin_realm = getNodeValue(agents[node], "origin_realm")
263 address = getNodeValue(agents[node], "address")
265 # Here stacks and nodes are accumulated. Consolidation of 'services.xml' is done at the end of iteration (*)
266 s,n = configure_agent_adml(node, description, application_id, dictionary, _type, origin_host, origin_realm, address)
272 if (template == "KAFKA"):
274 path = agents_KAFKA_dir + "/{}.node".format(node)
275 writeFileContent(path, description)
277 topic = getNodeValue(agents[node], "topic")
279 configure_agent_kafka(node, description, topic)
282 if (template == "KAFKACPP"):
284 path = agents_KAFKACPP_dir + "/{}.node".format(node)
285 writeFileContent(path, description)
287 topic = getNodeValue(agents[node], "topic")
289 configure_agent_kafkacpp(node, description, topic)
292 if (template == "HTTPMOCK"):
294 path = agents_HTTPMOCK_dir + "/{}.node".format(node)
295 writeFileContent(path, description)
297 address = getNodeValue(agents[node], "address")
299 configure_agent_httpmock(node, description, address)
302 #(*) Consolidate services.xml
303 path = agents_ADML_dir + "/services.xml"
305 content='''<services>
308 </services>'''.format(stacks, nodes)
310 writeFileContent(path, content)
314 def parse_arguments():
316 parser = ArgumentParser(description='Anna Agents-Oriented Testing Setup Loader')
317 parser.add_argument('-f', '--file', help='Agents yaml configuration file', required=True)
320 arguments = parser.parse_args()
325 #####################
327 #####################
329 if __name__ == "__main__":
332 abspath = os.path.abspath(__file__)
333 dname = os.path.dirname(abspath)
334 agents_ADML_dir = dname + "/agents/ADML"
335 agents_KAFKA_dir = dname + "/agents/KAFKA"
336 agents_KAFKACPP_dir = dname + "/agents/KAFKACPP"
337 agents_HTTPMOCK_dir = dname + "/agents/HTTPMOCK"
339 arguments = parse_arguments()
341 afile = arguments.file
344 agents = YamlConfigParser(arguments.file)
346 configure_agents(agents.getData())
347 #start_agents(agents)
351 except Exception as e: